Leadership of the Canadian Forces College


Office of the Commandant

  • Honorary Colonel
  • Deputy Commandant
    • Col D.S. Elder
  • Chief of Staff and Headquarters Commanding Officer
    • LCol T.P.R. Payne
  • College Sergeant-Major
    • CWO J.P.P. St-Gelais
  • Commandant's Executive Assistant
    • TBA


    • Director of Programmes
      • Col C.S.P. Blouin
    • Director of Academics
    • Chief of Staff and Headquarters Commanding Officer
      • LCol T.P.R. Payne
    • Director of the Information Resource Centre and Web Services
      • Ms C.E. Murphy
    • Acting Director of the Centre for National Security Studies
      • Maj S.A Graham
    • Registrar
      • LCdr S.C.D. Koshman
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