OpenAthens for CAFVL Users

How to register for a CAFVL OpenAthens account

  • Go to this page:
  • Enter your information. You must register with a valid Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) or Department of National Defence (DND) email address
  • If you are eligible for an account, you will be automatically registered and an email will be sent with your login credentials.

How to log in to CAFVL OpenAthens through Summon

  • Go to this page:
  • Click on "Login to access full text and more content" found on the upper right of the webpage.
  • Enter your CAFVL OpenAthens login credentials. If you are successful, you will be returned to the Summon search page.

Forgotten password or to change your password

CAFVL OpenAthens Frequently Asked Questions

Will I need to log in to OpenAthens when I am on DWAN?

Yes. You will need to log in through OpenAthens both on DWAN and public Internet. However, you will only need to log in once for each session, which will last until the browser is closed or inactive for a significant period.

How long will I stay logged in to OpenAthens before my session expires?

An OpenAthens session will last on a single browser for up to eight hours unless closed or inactive for a significant period.

I have forgotten my OpenAthens username. How do I log in?

You can sign in using your CAF or DND email address. This must be the primary email address you used when you registered.

I have forgotten my OpenAthens password. How do I reset it?

Select "Problems signing in?" from the OpenAthens account login screen or this link to generate an email that will allow you to reset your password. You must use the same CAF or DND email address that you provided when your account was created.

I would like to change my OpenAthens password. How do I change it?

Select "Problems Signing In?" from the OpenAthens account login screen or this link to generate an email that will allow you to reset your password. You must use the same CAF or DND email address that you provided when your account was created.

Can I login through a publisher's website?

Possibly, as the availability of this option depends on the specific publisher. If this option is available, you must navigate to the online resource platform. Select your institution from a list and enter your CAFVL OpenAthens username and password. Some platforms may ask you to select your federation when logging in, so please select OpenAthens Federation, if needed.

Please note that while this option is available on many platforms, it may not be universal. If you encounter any difficulties or have questions about logging in through a publisher's website, feel free to contact us for assistance.

How do I renew my OpenAthens account?

Your OpenAthens account is valid for two years unless you are a contractor. Contractor accounts will be valid for the duration of their contract. You will be emailed a renewal link two months before your account expires. Once your account expires, your account will be deleted. If you are eligible for an account renewal, you can reregister for CAFVL OpenAthens access at this link.

Why am I receiving an OpenAthens error message?

Go back to your previous browser page and click the original link again. If you have no back button, navigate to the page you were originally on by reopening your browser or retyping the URL and clicking the desired link. Clearing your browser cache regularly also helps prevent this issue.
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