CFC Papers

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The Arctic SAR Region: Frozen in Time
Major Jean Leroux
JCSP - Ex Solo Flight   (2017)
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The Bear Comes Out of Hibernation: Russia's Increasingly Aggressive Foreign Policy
Major Marco Dallaire
JCSP - Ex Solo Flight   (2017)
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The Canadian Forces Snowbirds Value in the Future: Public Affairs Role
Major Sonya Scanlon-Simms
JCSP - Ex Solo Flight   (2017)
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The Case For Narrative Led Operations in the Canadian Armed Forces
Major Rob O'Donnell
JCSP - Ex Solo Flight   (2017)
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The Challenge of Information in the Digital Age: An RCAF Perspective
Major Martin Roy
JCSP - Ex Solo Flight   (2017)
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The Future Implications on the Battlefield by Autonomous and Semi-Autonomous UAs [sic], and the Ethical Constrains [sic]
Major Armin Gundermann
JCSP - Ex Solo Flight   (2017)
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The Hegemonic Competition Between China and the United States and the Strategic Option of South Korea
Commander Hyun-Chul Jang
JCSP - Ex Solo Flight   (2017)
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The Implications of Cyber on US-China Relations
Major James Johnson
JCSP - Ex Solo Flight   (2017)
Format:  PDF
The Kremlin's Hybrid Warfare: Reasons, Methods and Objectives
LtCol Oleksandr Stakhnevych
JCSP - Ex Solo Flight   (2017)
Format:  PDF

CFC Papers are produced by students at the Canadian Forces College in fulfilment of the requirements of their Course of Studies. The papers are scholastic documents, and thus contain facts and opinions, which the author alone considered appropriate and correct for the subject. These papers do not necessarily reflect the policy or the opinion of any agency, including the Government of Canada and the Canadian Department of National Defence.

Papers are retrievable by keyword in the title, author’s last name,
or you can search for papers from a particular course or year.

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