CFC Papers

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Voile levée sur le mystère des Pasdaran : une analyse sociologique militaire sur le corps des Gardiens de la révolution islamique d’Iran
Major Sammang Nith
JCSP - Master of Defence Studies   (2017)
Format:  PDF
Warfare in the Information Era: Thinking Differently to Deal With Complexity in Military Operations
Lieutenant-Colonel Patrick Bryant
JCSP - Master of Defence Studies   (2017)
Format:  PDF
« La goutte qui fait déborder le vase » : Étude des conditions nécessaires et suffisantes aux conflits liés à l’eau en Asie du Sud-Ouest, au Moyen-Orient, et au Sahel
Major Philippe Chesne
JCSP - Master of Defence Studies   (2017)
Format:  PDF

CFC Papers are produced by students at the Canadian Forces College in fulfilment of the requirements of their Course of Studies. The papers are scholastic documents, and thus contain facts and opinions, which the author alone considered appropriate and correct for the subject. These papers do not necessarily reflect the policy or the opinion of any agency, including the Government of Canada and the Canadian Department of National Defence.

Papers are retrievable by keyword in the title, author’s last name,
or you can search for papers from a particular course or year.

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