SOMNIA - Spotlight on Military News and International Affairs

Tuesday, 3 September 2024  - Some links might have expired.

Canadian News

CBC News
Traffic like Toronto's prime for inducing road rage: psychologis

CBC News
Experts urge more schools to plan for climate emergencies

CBC Radio
As temperatures rise, so will the cost of an AC unit

Reuters News Agency
Border crackdown: Canada turning away more foreigners

The Globe and Mail
Urban to rural: Why Canada’s city homeowners move to the country - More

Canadian Commentary

André Picard | The Globe and Mail
Which is worse: Infectious diseases or the denial they breed?

International News

The New York Times
A Trump Clemency Recipient Is Convicted of Domestic Violence - More

The Associated Press
Bronze statue discovered at RMS Titanic wreck site - More

Reuters News Agency
US voters targeted by Chinese influence online, researchers say

The Hill
Raskin launches probe into closed DOJ investigation of Trump-Egypt ties

The Daily Beast
CNN’s Dana Bash Defends Kamala Harris Interview That Vexed Both Sides - More

The Associated Press
At least 13 migrants killed after their boat rips apart off coast of northern France - More

Reuters News Agency
Ukraine arms chief, four ministers resign in government shake-up

Reuters News Agency
How Ukraine clinched a wartime debt restructuring

Reuters News Agency
US close to agreeing on long-range missiles for Ukraine

The Associated Press
Russian missile attack kills at least 47 in Ukrainian city of Poltava - More

The Globe and Mail
Ukraine’s hidden talents

Reuters News Agency
Russian court extends arrest of Frenchman until Feb. 21

BBC News
Beslan: The school hostage massacre that exposed Putin's weakness

Reuters News Agency
WHO says polio vaccination targets surpassed for Gaza children

The Associated Press
Netanyahu pushes back against ceasefire pressure - More

Agence France-Presse
Quatre passagers tués par balle dans un train de banlieue à Chicago, un homme arrêté

Agence France-Presse
Londres : l’opérateur des transports TfL victime d’un «incident de cybersécurité»

Agence France-Presse
Suède : pas d'écran pour les enfants de moins de deux ans, recommandent les autorités

Agence France-Presse
La Pologne inhume les restes de centaines de personnes exécutées par les nazis

Agence de presse Reuters
Russie : la détention provisoire du Français Laurent Vinatier prolongée jusqu'au 21 février

Agence France-Presse
Des Libyens expulsés d'Afrique du Sud accusés d’y avoir reçu un entraînement de forces spéciales

Agence France-Presse
Élection présidentielle en Tunisie : trois candidats retenus, trois autres exclus définitivement

Turquie : les services de renseignement affirment avoir arrêté un trésorier du Mossad

Le Figaro
Khatera Amine : « En Afghanistan, être une femme est un crime »

Agence France-Presse
Chine : un bus scolaire percute des piétons, au moins 11 morts

Agence France-Presse
Venezuela : mandat d'arrêt contre le candidat de l'opposition Edmundo GonGonzález Urrutia

Agence France-Presse
L'avion de Nicolas Maduro saisi par les autorités américaines

International Commentary

Tom Nichols | The Atlantic
What Trump Doesn’t Understand About the Military

Anna Husarska | The Washington Post
The awful costs of tying Ukraine’s hands in the war

Zoë Schlanger | The Atlantic
America’s New Climate Delusion

Eliot A. Cohen | The Atlantic
What Awaits a Harris Presidency

James Carville | The New York Times
Kamala Harris’s Best Strategy to Defeat Trump

Lindsey Graham | The New York Times
How Trump Can Improve His Chances of Winning


Sheena Goodyear | CBC Radio
Carol Off wants to take the word 'freedom' back from the far right

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