SOMNIA - Spotlight on Military News and International Affairs
Saturday, 31 August 2024 - Some links might have expired.
Canadian News
CBC News
Whooping cough cases are soaring to new heights in Canada
The Canadian Press
Calgary warns tickets coming for water scofflaws as use continues to be too high
The Globe and Mail
In the battle against invasive species phrag, Ontario is arming itself with money, herbicides and helicopters
The Globe and Mail
July’s Don River floods in Toronto were the result of fateful planning choices
The Canadian Press
Dispute over unrecognized Inuit group halts major conference for Canadian North
Global News
Over 300K Samsung stoves in Canada recalled over fire hazard
Canadian Commentary
Konrad Yakabuski | The Globe and Mail
Democrats ridicule J.D. Vance at their peril
Robyn Urback | The Globe and Mail
‘Joy’ is working for the Kamala campaign, but it won’t work in Canada’s current climate
Shirley Phillips | The Globe and Mail
Using DEI as an insult is really code for something else
David Silverberg | The Globe and Mail
The fakes are rising: Why Canadian students need a crash course in AI literacy
Jonathan Malloy, Loleen Berdahl and Lisa Young | The Globe and Mail
Canada actually needs more arts graduate students. We’ve just been doing it wrong.
Rob Csernyik | The Globe and Mail
Why I ditched the office life to roam the world as a digital nomad, and you should too
International News
Global News
A U.S. port strike looms, and it would be ‘devastating’ for supply chains
Reuters News Agency
As students and protests return to campus, Columbia tries new restrictions, leadership
The Associated Press
Doctor charged in connection with Matthew Perry’s death appears in court after plea deal
The Associated Press
Workers breach key Klamath dams, allowing salmon to swim freely for the first time in a century
The Associated Press
Trump wants to make the GOP a 'leader' on IVF
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The New York Times
More Voters, Especially Women, Now Say Abortion Is Their Top Issue
The New York Times
Donald Trump Contorts Himself on Abortion in Search of Political Gain
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Trump defends photo shoot at Arlington in back-to-back campaign appearances
The New York Times
JD Vance’s Combative Style Confounds Voters but Pleases Trump
Vanity Fair
JD Vance, Fresh Off Doughnut-Shop Debacle, Is Booed at Event With Firefighters
The Guardian
New recording of JD Vance’s dark vision of women and immigration
CBS News
House Democrats ask Army for report on Arlington incident involving Trump campaign staff
The Associated Press
Trump film ‘The Apprentice’ finds distributor and will open before the election
The Associated Press
ABBA asks Donald Trump to stop using their songs, but Trump team says they have the OK
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The Associated Press
Harris and Trump offer starkly different visions on climate change and energy
The Guardian
Donald Trump at ‘Moms for Liberty’ says Ivanka ‘hired millions of people’
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The Associated Press
A Georgia Democrat seeks to unseat an indicted Trump elector who says he only did what he was told
Reuters News Agency
Fake cows ready for milking at state fairs as bird flu looms
Where to find the new COVID vaccine booster shots
Reuters News Agency
Ford to recall 90,736 vehicles over engine valve issue, NHTSA says
‘Witch’s hair’ glass splinters spread as Iceland volcano continues to erupt
The Associated Press
Northern lights shine in night sky as lava spews from erupting volcano in Iceland
What Pavel Durov does next could impact Telegram's reputation, analysts say
BBC News
Telegram: 'The dark web in your pocket'
The Guardian
Germany to harden weapons laws and asylum rules after Solingen stabbing
Central Europe to play key role in EU defence, says von der Leyen
The Guardian
Portugal declares day of mourning after four die in helicopter crash
The Associated Press
A Ukrainian Paralympian left the warfront to compete in Paris. His mind is on his platoon in ‘hell’
The Associated Press
With men at the front lines, women watch over Ukraine’s night sky for Russian drones
The Guardian
Five killed after Russia targets Chasiv Yar in Donetsk
Global News
700 wild animals, including elephants and hippos, to be killed for meat in Namibia
The Associated Press
A Palestinian TikTok star who shared details of Gaza life under siege is killed by Israeli airstrike
Reuters News Agency
Israeli bombardment kills dozens in Gaza as health officials prepare polio campaign
The Associated Press
Seven US troops hurt in raid with Iraqi forces targeting Islamic State group militants that killed 15
The Guardian
‘When life gets hard, you must be harder’: Running a takeaway kitchen in an Iraqi border town
The Associated Press
Catholics face a shortage of priests. But one Indonesian seminary is overwhelmed with applicants.
Reuters News Agency
Frustration deepens two years after UN report on China abuses
The Associated Press
Mi-8 helicopter goes missing in Russia’s Kamchatka region with 22 people believed onboard
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The Associated Press
Japan wants its hardworking citizens to try a four-day workweek
Reuters News Agency
Pacific leaders remove Taiwan from communique after China complaint
The Guardian
Former Red Brigades member arrested in Argentina after four decades on run
Agence France-Presse
Un biopic explosif sur Trump sortira dans les salles américaines avant l'élection
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Agence France-Presse
Un rapport pointe l'échec de l'université Columbia à lutter contre l'antisémitisme
Agence France-Presse
Wall Street termine en hausse, quatrième record de la semaine pour le Dow Jones
Agence France-Presse
Les députés LFI appellent les parlementaires à destituer Macron pour « défendre la démocratie »
Agence France-Presse
Prisons : après 10 mois de hausse, le nombre de détenus en légère baisse au 1er août
Agence France-Presse
Nice célèbre les 200 ans de sa promenade des Anglais qui longe la Méditerranée
Agence France-Presse
Grèce : des tonnes de poissons morts dans la ville portuaire de Volos
France 24
L'Ukraine confirme la perte d'un F-16 qui s'est écrasé en repoussant une attaque de missiles russes
Agence France-Presse
Frappes meurtrières en Russie et en Ukraine, Zelensky limoge le commandant de l'armée de l'air
Agence France-Presse
Volodymyr Zelensky limoge le commandant de l'armée de l'air après le crash d'un F-16
Agence France-Presse
Quatre morts dans des frappes russes sur Kharkiv
Agence France-Presse
En Russie, un militaire tchétchène promu commentateur en chef de l'offensive de Koursk
France 24
Mpox : l'OMS annonce des vaccins en République démocratique du Congo dans les « prochains jours »
Agence France-Presse
Kenya : une partie du pays est touchée par une panne d'électricité
France 24
En Cisjordanie, une famille franco-palestinienne dans le piège de la colonisation
Agence France-Presse
Vingt Palestiniens tués en trois jours dans des raids israéliens en Cisjordanie
France 24
En Jordanie, les grottes de Pétra menacées par le tourisme de masse
Agence France-Presse
L'armée américaine annonce avoir tué 15 combattants de l'organisation État islamique en Irak
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Agence France-Presse
Une pirogue chavire au large de Mayotte, plusieurs victimes
France 24
En Afghanistan, les femmes réduites au silence par les Taliban
France 24
Afghanistan : alors que les Taliban effacent les femmes, que peut la communauté internationale ?
France 24
Poutine attendu en Mongolie : la CPI et Kiev réclament son arrestation, le Kremlin serein
Agence France-Presse
Pékin fustige une nouvelle « collision délibérée » des Philippines en mer de Chine
Agence France-Presse
Russie : un hélicoptère Mi-8 avec 22 personnes à bord porté disparu au Kamtchatka
Agence France-Presse
Un juge ordonne de suspendre le réseau social X au Brésil
Agence France-Presse
Colombie : la douloureuse recherche des enfants disparus à Bogotá
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Agence France-Presse
Salvador : jusqu'à 188 ans de prison pour des gangsters de la MS-13
International Commentary
David A. Graham | The Atlantic
Six Degrees of Trump and Bacon
Honor Cargill-Martin | The New York Times
The Ancient Roots of Trump’s Attacks on Harris
Nicholas Kristof | The New York Times
Here’s Why We Shouldn’t Demean Trump Voters
Sophia Cai | Axios
How Trump keeps undermining his own strategy
Irie Sentner | Politico
‘The commander-in-chief test’: Harris and Trump are sparring over the military. It’s not a new playbook.
Michael Powell | The Atlantic
Why Trump’s Arlington Debacle Is So Serious
Gordon Brown | The Guardian
Another worldwide alert – mpox is spreading. Here are three steps we can take to head it off.
David Moscrop | The Guardian
Anne Applebaum’s Autocracy, Inc. charts a web of global despotism
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