SOMNIA - Spotlight on Military News and International Affairs

Tuesday, 9 July 2024  - Some links might have expired.

Canadian News

National Post
Ottawa overestimating defence spending, will only spend 1.42% of GDP on military by 2030: PBO

The Canadian Press
Ottawa looking to clear problem backlog by March 2025 before axing Phoenix

CBC News
Canada pledges billions in new defence spending

The Canadian Press
Trudeau to attend NATO leaders’ summit

The Globe and Mail
Ottawa buys Inuvik airport hangar after Chinese, Russian interest - More

Cabin Radio
Severe storm generates wild clouds over Fort Simpson

CBC News
Ticketmaster says customers' credit card information affected by data breach

The Canadian Press
Canada to unveil results of rapid heat wave study - More

CBC News
Alberta firefighters prepare for challenging conditions as heat wave sweeps Western Canada

The Canadian Press
Western Canada heat wave to stretch into Saskatchewan, then Manitoba

Toronto Star
Western University encampment protesters clear out after warning from school president

CBC News
PCO says it didn't search new human rights chief's online aliases, blames 'administrative oversight'

CBC News
Location near Prince Albert offers clues to when Indigenous people arrived nearly 10,000 years ago

La Presse canadienne
Justin Trudeau dénonce l’attaque sur un hôpital pour enfants de Kiev

Tempête « Béryl » bientôt au Québec : voici à quoi vous devez vous attendre

Agence QMI
Dossier de crédit : voici comment vous protéger gratuitement des fraudeurs

Doug Ford dévoile une carte des détaillants d’alcool ouverts, en pleine grève à la LCBO

TVA Nouvelles
Plus de 100 campements de sans-abri démantelés à Montréal en 2024

Canadian Commentary

Irene Galea | The Globe and Mail
No man left behind - More

Scott Taylor | The Hill Times
CAF under new management, but new CDS faces tough challenges

Andrew Coyne | The Globe and Mail
First-past-the-post is not the defence against extremists we think it is

Eric Reguly | The Globe and Mail
France’s economy just got messier, and may stay messy for a long time as political paralysis sets in

Murray Brewster | CBC News
The philosophy — and politics — behind Canada's reluctance to meet NATO's spending target

David M. Shribman | The Globe and Mail
Nixon’s resignation provides a road map for how Biden’s presidential campaign could end

Adam Pankratz | National Post
Emmanuel Macron's deal with the devil leaves him with an extremist left-wing government

Robin V. Sears | Toronto Star
Is democracy dying? Voters around the world are giving us reason to hope.

THe Editorial Board | The Globe and Mail
Last call for Ontario’s liquor board

International News

The Associated Press
Tourists still flock to Death Valley amid searing US heat wave

The Associated Press
Biden says he won't step aside - More

Reuters News Agency
US Congress Democrats to discuss next steps as Biden vows to fight on

The Associated Press
Scammers are swiping billions from Americans every year

Reuters News Agency
French left wants to rule but centrists demand a role

Reuters News Agency
Jean-Luc Mélenchon: Star of France's hard-left poses problem for election victors

The Associated Press
What to know about the NATO military alliance

The Associated Press
To counter China, NATO and its Asian partners are moving closer under US leadership

Ukrainians In Prague Celebrate Ancient Festival

Reuters News Agency
Russian missile attacks kill at least 41, hit children's hospital

Reuters News Agency
Japan must strengthen NATO ties to safeguard global peace, PM says

The Associated Press
Australia appoints special envoy to confront a rise in antisemitism across the country

Reuters News Agency
Argentina's Milei inks political pact to bolster economic plan

Reuters News Agency
Cuba foils plot to sneak arms onto island from U.S., official says

Reuters News Agency
Panama Canal expects new water reservoir for ship crossings in 6 years

Agence France-Presse
Boeing 737 : les générateurs d'oxygène de plus de 2600 avions doivent être « immédiatement » inspectés

Agence France-Presse
Texas : évacuations à l'approche de Béryl qui est redevenu un ouragan - Plus

Agence de presse Reuters
Températures record dans le monde en juin, 2024 pourrait être l'année la plus chaude

Agence France-Presse
Biden traité pour la maladie de Parkinson ? « Non », selon la Maison-Blanche - Plus

« Défiez-moi à la convention », lance un Joe Biden confiant et frondeur

Agence France-Presse
Emmanuel Macron demande à son gouvernement de rester provisoirement

Agence de presse Reuters
Le RN va rejoindre le groupe de Viktor Orbán au Parlement européen - Plus

Agence France-Presse
À l'hôpital de Kyïv touché, une chaîne humaine à la recherche de survivants

Agence France-Presse
Quatre morts dans des frappes ukrainiennes à la frontière russe

Agence France-Presse
Le Kremlin va suivre avec «une attention maximale» le sommet de l'OTAN

Agence France-Presse
RDC : « 3000 à 4000 militaires rwandais » combattent aux côtés des rebelles M23

Agence de presse Reuters
Nouvelle offensive israélienne contre la ville de Gaza

Agence France-Presse
Syrie : Une frappe israélienne a ciblé mardi une position près de la ville côtière de Banyas

Agence France-Presse
Manœuvres militaires des pays d'Asie centrale, sans la Russie ni la Chine

Agence France-Presse
Vague de chaleur sur le Japon, six morts à Tokyo

Agence France-Presse
Bolsonaro a tenté de s’approprier des bijoux pour 1,2 M$ US, selon la police

International Commentary

Jaroslaw Kuisz and Karolina Wigura | The New York Times
Is It 1914 or 1938? NATO Needs to Make Up Its Mind.

James Carville | The New York Times
Biden Won’t Win. Democrats Need a Plan. Here’s One.

Jamelle Bouie | The New York Times
Trump’s Lust for Expulsion Has Deep Roots

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