SOMNIA - Spotlight on Military News and International Affairs

Monday, 8 July 2024  - Some links might have expired.

Canadian News

The Canadian Press
Trudeau heads to Washington, DC, for NATO summit - More

The Canadian Press
Snap election unlikely in Canada

The Canadian Press
Joly to meet with new British counterpart

The Canadian Press
B.C. heat wave expected to continue until mid-week

La mairesse de Calgary revient sur la terrible crise de l’eau qu’a connue la ville

Agence QMI
Météo au Québec: il va faire encore chaud cette semaine

Agence France-Presse
Juin 2024 : le mois de juin le plus chaud jamais enregistré

Agence QMI
Des augmentations salariales de 32,9% sur six ans pour les policiers de la SQ - Plus

Canadian Commentary

Konrad Yakabuski | The Globe and Mail
Emmanuel Macron has driven a nail in his own political coffin by choosing to call this election

Allan Woods | Toronto Star
Hail Mary play blocked France’s far right, but now risks pulling the country far to the left

David Collenette | Toronto Star
As NATO celebrates 75 years, the alliance is needed now more than ever

François Brousseau | Radio-Canada
Pour la gauche française, une « victoire » en trompe-l’œil

Raphaël Bouvier-Auclair | Radio-Canada
Un barrage au Rassemblement national, et après ?

International News

The Associated Press
Boeing accepts a plea deal to avoid a criminal trial over 737 Max crashes - More

The Associated Press
Key events in the troubled history of the Boeing 737 Max

The Associated Press
Beryl makes landfall in Texas as a Category 1 hurricane - More

The Associated Press
Persistent heat wave in the US shatters new records - More

The Associated Press
June sizzles to 13th straight monthly heat record

The Associated Press
New Sentinel nuclear warhead program is 81% over budget

The Associated Press
U.S. to expand control of land sales to foreigners near 56 additional military sites

The Associated Press
Trump's VP search comes down to its last days

The Associated Press
Gov. Whitmer shuts down 2024 presidential talk but doesn’t hide her ambitions

The Associated Press
Trump loyalist mythologizes former president while building his own brand

NPR News
How the Supreme Court's immunity decision affects Trump's legal cases

NPR News
Republican Party lays out its 2024 policy platform

The Associated Press
Jill Biden will rally veterans and military families

The Associated Press
Judge decides Alec Baldwin's role as co-producer not relevant - More

Reuters News Agency
UK can improve 'botched' Brexit deal, says Starmer

The Associated Press
France’s elections end up with no clear majority

Reuters News Agency
France faces coalition puzzle after left-wing surge

The Associated Press
Emmanuel Macron refuses PM's resignation after chaotic election results

The Associated Press
Elections in Europe, Iran show authoritarian march may have slowed, not halted

Reuters News Agency
NATO will need 35-50 extra brigades under new defence plans

Reuters News Agency
NATO’s Washington summit: What will Ukraine get on membership and military aid?

The Associated Press
How NATO military alliance is helping Ukraine

The Associated Press
Russian missiles hit a children's hospital in Kyiv - More - More

Agence France-Presse
Russia says Ukraine tried to make pilot defect with his Tu-22M3 - Photo

The Associated Press
Indian Prime Minister Modi to visit Russia - More

NPR News
Modi's Moscow visit points to enduring friendship with Russia

Reuters News Agency
Russian official says US left arms treaty to build weapons to menace China

VOA News
Russia sentences playwright, director to 6 years for 'justifying terrorism'

Russian Government Moves to Stigmatize 'Extremist' Idea of Not Having Children

The Associated Press
Xi calls on world powers to help Russia and Ukraine with dialogue

The Guardian
Chinese troops hold military exercises with Belarus on Polish border

Reuters News Agency
Uganda provided support to M23 rebels in Congo, UN report says

Agence France-Presse
Kenyan cult leader goes on trial on terrorism charges over 400 deaths

The Associated Press
Nearly 1,000 homes in Cape Town destroyed by storms

The Associated Press
Israel deepens its operation in Gaza City in pursuit of militants

The Guardian
Ceasefire deal would be ‘senseless folly’, says Israel’s finance minister

The Associated Press
Gaza destruction likely helped push Hamas to soften cease-fire demands

The Associated Press
Israeli protesters block highways, call for cease-fire

The Associated Press
Cease-fire talks expected to resume this week

The Associated Press
Iran's naval destroyer has sunk, state media says

The Guardian
Purgatory in paradise: How a shipwreck off Diego Garcia led to three years of hell and horror

The Associated Press
Taliban Authorities Slash Government Salaries Of Afghan Women

VOA News
Suspected rebels kill 4 Indian soldiers in Indian-controlled Kashmir

Tribune News Services
Indian Army seeks light-weight, man-portable systems to defeat unconventional armed drones

Reuters News Agency
China says Philippine warships 'damaged' reef at atoll in South China Sea

The Associated Press
Kim Yo-jong calls South Korea’s front-line live-fire drills “suicidal hysteria” - More

The Associated Press
Japan and the Philippines sign a defense pact - More

Reuters News Agency
South Korea's Yoon to discuss Pyongyang's 'distinct threat' to Europe at NATO summit

VOA News
Multinational force in Haiti 'committed' to curbing instability, Kenyan leader says

The Associated Press
Boeing accepts a plea deal to avoid a criminal trial over 737 Max crashes - More

The Associated Press
Key events in the troubled history of the Boeing 737 Max

The Associated Press
Beryl makes landfall in Texas as a Category 1 hurricane - More

The Associated Press
Persistent heat wave in the US shatters new records - More

The Associated Press
June sizzles to 13th straight monthly heat record

The Associated Press
New Sentinel nuclear warhead program is 81% over budget

The Associated Press
U.S. to expand control of land sales to foreigners near 56 additional military sites

The Associated Press
Trump's VP search comes down to its last days

The Associated Press
Gov. Whitmer shuts down 2024 presidential talk but doesn’t hide her ambitions

The Associated Press
Trump loyalist mythologizes former president while building his own brand

NPR News
How the Supreme Court's immunity decision affects Trump's legal cases

NPR News
Republican Party lays out its 2024 policy platform

The Associated Press
Jill Biden will rally veterans and military families

The Associated Press
Judge decides Alec Baldwin's role as co-producer not relevant - More

Reuters News Agency
UK can improve 'botched' Brexit deal, says Starmer

The Associated Press
France’s elections end up with no clear majority

Reuters News Agency
France faces coalition puzzle after left-wing surge

Le Monde
2024 French elections: Map and chart of results

The Associated Press
Emmanuel Macron refuses PM's resignation after chaotic election results

The Associated Press
Elections in Europe, Iran show authoritarian march may have slowed, not halted

Reuters News Agency
NATO will need 35-50 extra brigades under new defence plans

Reuters News Agency
NATO’s Washington summit: What will Ukraine get on membership and military aid?

The Associated Press
How NATO military alliance is helping Ukraine

The Associated Press
Russian missiles hit a children's hospital in Kyiv - More - More

Agence France-Presse
Russia says Ukraine tried to make pilot defect with his Tu-22M3 - Photo

The Associated Press
Indian Prime Minister Modi to visit Russia - More

NPR News
Modi's Moscow visit points to enduring friendship with Russia

Reuters News Agency
Russian official says US left arms treaty to build weapons to menace China

VOA News
Russia sentences playwright, director to 6 years for 'justifying terrorism'

Russian Government Moves to Stigmatize 'Extremist' Idea of Not Having Children

The Associated Press
Xi calls on world powers to help Russia and Ukraine with dialogue

The Guardian
Chinese troops hold military exercises with Belarus on Polish border

Reuters News Agency
Uganda provided support to M23 rebels in Congo, UN report says

Agence France-Presse
Kenyan cult leader goes on trial on terrorism charges over 400 deaths

The Associated Press
Nearly 1,000 homes in Cape Town destroyed by storms

The Associated Press
Israel deepens its operation in Gaza City in pursuit of militants

The Guardian
Ceasefire deal would be ‘senseless folly’, says Israel’s finance minister

The Associated Press
Gaza destruction likely helped push Hamas to soften cease-fire demands

The Associated Press
Israeli protesters block highways, call for cease-fire

The Associated Press
Cease-fire talks expected to resume this week

The Associated Press
Iran's naval destroyer has sunk, state media says

The Guardian
Purgatory in paradise: How a shipwreck off Diego Garcia led to three years of hell and horror

The Associated Press
Taliban Authorities Slash Government Salaries Of Afghan Women

VOA News
Suspected rebels kill 4 Indian soldiers in Indian-controlled Kashmir

Tribune News Services
Indian Army seeks light-weight, man-portable systems to defeat unconventional armed drones

Reuters News Agency
China says Philippine warships 'damaged' reef at atoll in South China Sea

The Associated Press
Kim Yo-jong calls South Korea’s front-line live-fire drills “suicidal hysteria” - More

The Associated Press
Japan and the Philippines sign a defense pact - More

Reuters News Agency
South Korea's Yoon to discuss Pyongyang's 'distinct threat' to Europe at NATO summit

VOA News
Multinational force in Haiti 'committed' to curbing instability, Kenyan leader says

Agence France-Presse
Texas : évacuations à l'approche de Béryl qui est redevenu un ouragan

Agence de presse Reuters
Températures record dans le monde en juin, 2024 pourrait être l'année la plus chaude

Agence France-Presse
Alec Baldwin jugé pour le tir mortel sur le tournage du western Rust

Agence France-Presse
À Édimbourg, Starmer promet un travail « constructif » avec le gouvernement écossais

Agence QMI
Choix d’un nouveau PM en France : une décision complexe pour Macron

Agence France-Presse
Macron demande à son PM de rester pour « la stabilité du pays »

Agence de presse Reuters
Le RN va rejoindre le groupe de Viktor Orbán au Parlement européen

Agence France-Presse
Frappes russes massives sur les villes ukrainiennes, au moins 24 morts - Plus

Agence France-Presse
RDC : « 3000 à 4000 militaires rwandais » combattent aux côtés des rebelles M23

Agence de presse Reuters
Nouvelle offensive israélienne contre la ville de Gaza

Agence France-Presse
Inde : d'intenses orages de mousson provoquent des inondations et font 10 morts

International Commentary

Farah Stockman | The New York Times
NATO Has to Change. Here’s How.

Erin Osborne | Radio Free Europe
NATO at 75: A Journey From Cold War 'Bulwark' to Global Security Force

Maureen Dowd | The New York Times
Joe Biden, in the Goodest Bunker Ever

Editorial Board | The Washington Post
Trump doesn’t want Americans to know what Republicans stand for

Robert Reich | The Guardian
We should all be terrified of Trump’s Project 2025

Jeffrey Goldberg | The Atlantic
The Unadorned Truth About Donald Trump

Karen Tumulty | The Washington Post
What Republicans haven’t figured out about Kamala Harris

Tom Nichols | The Atlantic
The Double Standard in Trump-Biden Coverage

Osita Nwanevu | The Guardian
Democrats don’t just need a new candidate. They need a reckoning.

Angelique Chrisafis | The Guardian
Political paralysis looms in France after second shock election result

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