SOMNIA - Spotlight on Military News and International Affairs

Thursday, 4 July 2024  - Some links might have expired.

Canadian News

CBC News
LCBO employees will walk off job Friday, union says

The Canadian Press
Defence begins case in Pat King trial

The Canadian Press
Protesters leave UofT ahead of court deadline

CBC News
Protesters at Western University are staying put despite deadline to clear encampment

The Canadian Press
N.L. fishers say cod fishery should not reopen

The Canadian Press
Canadians scramble to escape hurricane Beryl

CBC News
Liberal government enacts controversial digital services tax

Agence QMI
La vague de chaleur se poursuit jeudi dans le sud du Québec

Agence QMI
Le Québec a vécu le mois de juin le plus chaud des 10 dernières années

Agence QMI
Feu de forêt à Churchill Falls : l'ordre d'évacuation levé

Agence QMI
Ouragan Béryl : plusieurs vols annulés - Plus

Canadian Commentary

Scott Taylor | The Hill Times
Bungling bureaucracy: CAF leadership dropping the ball on transparency - More

Editorial | The Hill Times
New defence chief should be set up to win

Kevin Newman | The Globe and Mail
Harjit Sajjan had the wrong priorities in Afghanistan

Robyn Urback | The Globe and Mail
Harjit Sajjan will remain in cabinet, and shame on you for asking about it

Leyland Cecco | The Guardian
After nine years in office, is it time for Justin Trudeau to go?

Campbell Clark | The Globe and Mail
Trudeau dodges a list of leadership questions and leaves the biggest one hanging

Lawrence Martin | The Globe and Mail
For progressives, the Trudeau by-election and Biden debate disaster were blessings in disguise

Douglas Roche | The Hill Times
NATO runs on hard power, the UN on soft

Gwynn Dyer | The Witness
The West: Big changes at the last minute

Rahim Mohamed | National Post
U.S. Supreme Court should be applauded for preventing political prosecutions of ex-presidents

The Editorial Board | The Globe and Mail
The U.S. Supreme Court casts a crown for the president

Konrad Yakabuski | The Globe and Mail
Time’s up for Joe Biden

International News

VOA News
NASA: 'Once-in-a-lifetime' nova eruption could happen any day

The Associated Press
US will pay Moderna $176 million to develop pandemic H5N1 flu vaccine

Reuters News Agency
In uncertain times, Americans take a break for Independence Day - More

VOA News
Ukraine security, Indo-Pacific challenges in focus as US hosts NATO summit

Reuters News Agency
Trump allies intensify Harris attacks as Biden replacement talk builds

Reuters News Agency
Democratic governors vow to stand with Biden after shaky debate performance

The Economist
Democratic bigwigs are starting to call for Joe Biden to step aside

The Washington Post
Trump advisers hope Biden stays in race, as they eye alternate scenarios

Ipsos | The Economist
Larry the Cat has higher favourability rankings than either Rishi Sunak or Keir Starmer - More - More

BBC News
Keir Starmer set to be PM as Tories face worst defeat - More - More

The Guardian
France to deploy 30,000 police after election runoff amid fears of violence

BBC News
Violent attacks shock France ahead of crunch vote

Reuters News Agency
China-built EVs hit with duties in biggest EU trade case yet

The Globe and Mail
Costa del Sol council denies plan to fine people peeing in the sea

The Guardian
Ukrainian army confirms retreat from part of key town of Chasiv Yar

VOA News
Ukraine reports downing 21 Russian drones

BBC News
US man jailed in Russia for 12 years on drug charges

Reuters News Agency
Russia swelters in heat wave, Moscow breaks 1917 record for early July

Reuters News Agency
Army disarray hobbles Congo's fight with Rwanda-backed rebels

Reuters News Agency
Lebanon's Hezbollah says it launched rockets and drones at Israeli military sites

Reuters News Agency
Feeding Gaza: Traders run gauntlet of bullets, bombs and bribes

Reuters News Agency
Israel weighs Hamas response to Gaza ceasefire proposal

BBC News
Israel tells Gaza ceasefire negotiators to resume work - More

Reuters News Agency
Xi and Putin set out ambitions for Eurasian security club - More

The Associated Press
India is likely undercounting heat deaths

Reuters News Agency
China warns of hotter, longer heatwaves

The Associated Press
Pro-Palestinian protesters breach security at Australia's Parliament House

The Associated Press
Hurricane Beryl roars toward Mexico - More - More

Agence QMI
Vol détourné d’urgence : 70 passagers malades après avoir consommé de la nourriture d’avion moisie

Agence France-Presse
Les Britanniques aux urnes pour des législatives promises au Parti travailliste

Agence QMI
Tolérance zéro : emprisonné pour avoir transporté une réplique d’épée du jeu vidéo Zelda en public

Agence France-Presse
Norvège : peine maximale pour l'auteur de la fusillade mortelle à la Pride 2022 d'Oslo

Le Figaro
Une intervention de police en cours au Château de Versailles

Agence France-Presse
Slovaquie : l’attaque contre le premier ministre reclassée comme attaque terroriste

Agence France-Presse
Guerre en Ukraine : les Russes frappent en série les bases aériennes ukrainiennes

Agence France-Presse
Français écroué en Russie : un tribunal refuse sa demande de remise en liberté

Agence France-Presse
Soudan : 25 personnes noyées en tentant de fuir les combats

Agence France-Presse
Bombardements et combats dans la bande de Gaza, alerte aux roquettes dans le nord d'Israël

Agence France-Presse
Le sommet d'Astana prônera un « ordre mondial multipolaire » selon Poutine

Agence France-Presse
Biélorussie : le principal allié de Moscou devient membre de l'Organisation de coopération de Shanghai

Agence France-Presse
Des inondations font neuf morts en Inde et au Bangladesh

Agence France-Presse
Les États-Unis vont retirer un système de missile de moyenne portée des Philippines

Agence France-Presse
Amazon va construire un cloud pour les données « ultrasecrètes » de l’armée australienne

Agence QMI
Nouvelle-Zélande : plus de 370 chats abattus dans une chasse controversée

TVA Nouvelles
Béryl : la Jamaïque frappée par le pire ouragan en 15 ans

Agence France-Presse
L'ouragan Béryl se dirige vers le Mexique

International Commentary

Leader | The Economist
How spies should use technology

Leader | The Economist
A week is a long time in politics

Ross Douthat | The New York Times
Biden should step down to save the country from Trump — and himself

Lexington | The Economist
Joe Biden is fooling only himself

Rachel Looker | BBC News
Jill Biden: The quiet influence of Biden's closest adviser

Emma Brockes | The Guardian
Who can we blame for Joe Biden’s gamble? Angry Democrats are starting to point the finger.

George Monbiot | The Guardian
I never thought I’d argue for rearmament. But a looming Trump presidency changes everything.

Gordon Brown< | The Guardian
Use this election to reject the Farage version of Britain. Let’s get our country back

Legacy Thinking | The Economist
The inheritance awaiting Britain’s next government

Onboarding | The Economist
Nukes and King Charles — but no door key

Analysis | The Economist
Le Pen’s hard right looks set to dominate the French parliament


The Economist
The best and worst memoirs by British prime ministers

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