SOMNIA - Spotlight on Military News and International Affairs

Wednesday, 3 July 2024  - Some links might have expired.

Canadian News

The Canadian Press
Lt.-Gen. Jennie Carignan named Canada's newest CDS - More

The Canadian Press
Sajjan's office cites privacy on helping Afghans

The Canadian Press
Toronto police to enforce encampment order at U of T

CTV News
Thousands of heat pumps recalled over risk of 'excessive heat exposure'

Des députés libéraux fédéraux acadiens ne se mouillent pas sur l’avenir de Justin Trudeau

Ouragan Béryl : des vols spéciaux d’Air Transat pour rapatrier les Canadiens

La Presse canadienne
Les manifestants doivent démanteler leur campement à l’Université de Toronto

Canadian Commentary

The Editorial Board | The Globe and Mail
Harjit Sajjan failed Canada, and Canadians

Derek Burney | National Post
Biden blew the debate. But what now?

Adam Pankratz | National Post
Macron stares into the abyss as French election run-off nears

Tasha Kheiriddin | National Post
Trudeau's Canada Day message fell as flat as his polling numbers

Sheila Copps | The Hill Times
Justin Trudeau should pull a Doug Ford, say he got it wrong

George S. Takach | The Globe and Mail
Chinese EVs aren’t just an economic threat – they are a security risk

Andrew Coyne | The Globe and Mail
The Supreme Court has just removed the last bar to Trump’s dictatorship

Christian Weedbrook | The Globe and Mail
As artificial intelligence rises, data-centre costs spiral. Quantum is the solution.

Heather Exner-Pirot and Charles Deland | The Globe and Mail
Seeing energy policy only through the lens of climate change? That time is over.

Raphaël Bouvier-Auclair | Radio-Canada
Deuxième tour en France : gouvernement du RN ou coalition, quelle option prévaudra ?

International News

The Associated Press
William Anders who died in WA plane crash was doing a flyby near a friend's home - More - More

The Associated Press
Biden will bestow the Medal of Honor posthumously on two Civil War heroes who helped hijack a train

The Associated Press
Pro-choice advocates set to turn in around 800,000 signatures for Arizona abortion ballot measure

The Associated Press
Dangerously high heat builds in California and the south-central United States

The Associated Press
Why mass shootings and violence increase in the summer

The Associated Press
Sizzling sidewalks, unshaded playgrounds pose risk for surface burns

Reuters News Agency
Economic warnings dominate as UK election campaign enters final day

The Associated Press
Sunak battles to the end as Labour’s Starmer eyes victory

The Associated Press
From red wall to King’s Speech, UK elections have a vocabulary all their own

Reuters News Agency
Far-right majority can be avoided, French PM says

Reuters News Agency
Russian attacks on Kharkiv region kill one, injure four

Reuters News Agency
Ukraine not ready to compromise with Russia, says Zelenskiy aide

Reuters News Agency
Russia says French citizen pleads guilty to illegally collecting military details

The Associated Press
UN experts say Russia violated international law by imprisoning WSJ reporter

Reuters News Agency
Women, children trapped at church in Sudan's capital endure hunger, bombardment

Reuters News Agency
Kenyan activists rethink strategy after protests descend into violence

Reuters News Agency
Lebanese farmers dig for answers on Israel's white phosphorus use

The Associated Press
Hezbollah’s deputy leader says group would stop fighting with Israel after Gaza cease-fire

Reuters News Agency
Israeli police clash with settlers in West Bank

Reuters News Agency
Gazans seek shelter after evacuation order, Israel carries out new strikes

Reuters News Agency
Islamic authorities in Russia's Dagestan ban full-face veil after attacks

The Associated Press
Saeed Jalili, a hard-line former negotiator known as a ‘true believer,’ seeks Iran’s presidency

Reuters News Agency
Pakistan has met all requirements for IMF bailout deal, finance official says

The Associated Press
Stampede at religious event in India kills at least 116 people, mostly women and children - More

The Associated Press
Overcrowding, lack of exits and slippery mud contributed to deadly stampede in India

Reuters News Agency
Taiwan says China seizes fishing boat near its coast

The Associated Press
Taiwan says China told Taiwan's coast guard to not interfere in the detention of Taiwanese boat crew

Reuters News Agency
Flood fears in China's east as rain swells Yangtze River levels

The Associated Press
Migrants pause in the Amazon because getting to the US is harder

The Associated Press
After a stop in Cuba, two Russian warships dock in Venezuelan port

Agence France-Presse
L’ancien PDG de Microsoft Steve Ballmer désormais plus riche que son cofondateur Bill Gates

Immunité présidentielle : la sentence de Trump à New York reportée au 18 septembre

Agence France-Presse
Biden explique son débat raté face à Trump par la fatigue liée à ses déplacements internationaux

Agence France-Presse
La chute continue pour Rudy Giuliani, radié du Barreau de New York

Le Figaro
L’IA générative ferait gagner 5 heures de travail par semaine à 60% des salariés, selon une étude

Immunité présidentielle : la sentence de Trump à New York reportée au 18 septembre

Agence France-Presse
Soutien de la Russie au RN : Marine Le Pen dénonce une « provocation » et une « ingérence » en pleines législatives

Agence France-Presse
La France expulse un Iranien soupçonné d'être un «agent d'influence» du régime

Agence France-Presse
Soupçons de crimes contre l'humanité en Syrie : huit arrestations en Allemagne et en Suède

Agence France-Presse
Quatre civils tués et 27 blessés dans une attaque russe sur Dnipro

Agence France-Presse
Tunisie : l’élection présidentielle se tiendra le 6 octobre, annonce le président Saïed

Agence France-Presse
Attaques chimiques en Syrie : le mandat d’arrêt français visant Assad sera examiné

Agence France-Presse
Israël confirme la saisie de 1270 hectares de terres en Cisjordanie occupée

Agence France-Presse
Le Hamas affirme avoir envoyé aux médiateurs des « idées » pour mettre fin à la guerre à Gaza

Guerre entre Israël et le Hamas : Khan Younès évacuée

Agence France-Presse
Daguestan : le niqab interdit temporairement, après de récentes attaques

Agence France-Presse
Les talibans disent avoir discuté d'un « échange » de prisonniers avec Washington

Agence France-Presse
Inde : une bousculade fait 121 morts

International Commentary

Raj Shah and Christopher Kirchhoff | The Atlantic
In Ukraine, We Saw a Glimpse of the Future of War

Russell Berman | The Atlantic
Of Course Trump’s Conviction Didn’t Change the Race

Editorial | Le Monde
United States: The Supreme Court versus democracy

John Dean | The Atlantic
Richard Nixon Would Have Loved the Court’s Immunity Decision

Charles M. Blow | The New York Times
Forcing Biden Out Would Have Only One Beneficiary: Trump

Colbert I. King | The Washington Post
Let us declare independence from the monarchial presidency

Gordon Brown< | The Guardian
Use this election to reject the Farage version of Britain. Let’s get our country back


Martin Pengelly | The Guardian
Gretchen Whitmer wants to meet far-right plotters who tried to kill her, book reveals

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