SOMNIA - Spotlight on Military News and International Affairs

Saturday, 8 June 2024  - Some links might have expired.

Canadian News

CBC News
COVID remains a year-round threat

CBC News
Calgary provides update on timeline of water main break repair

CBC News
Toronto police are tackling the alarming rise in hate crimes

National Post
Government disputes 'misleading' claim it blocked 1,000-plus documents from foreign interference reviewers

CBC News
Canadian businessman Frank Stronach charged in sex assault probe

The Globe and Mail
A bottle of blood serum from the 1940s gives researchers hope to save lives on battlefields of the 2020s

CBC News
BC woman wins over $1M for hockey puck injury after appeal dismissed

Dans l’œil d’Ivanoh : Photographier la peur au ventre

Douaniers : pas de grève du zèle pour le moment

Google nomme un organisme pour répartir les 100 millions $ promis aux médias canadiens

Impôt sur les gains en capital : les libéraux forceront les conservateurs à se prononcer

Le magnat de l’auto Frank Stronach accusé d’agression sexuelle et de séquestration - Plus

Canadian Commentary

Guy Black | The Cold Lake Sun
The Heroes of Normandy: Liberation campaign veterans still revered by France

Shannon Proudfoot | The Globe and Mail
What you can learn about politics from Arnold Viersen’s trip to Pierre Poilievre’s woodshed

John Rapley | The Globe and Mail
Ask not our youth to do national service – what has the nation done for them?

Conrad Black | National Post
How the West will be won in Ukraine

Paul Hunter | CBC News
Who can protect Haiti?

Brennan MacDonald | CBC News
A report claims certain parliamentarians colluded with foreign states — could they be charged?

The Editorial Board | The Globe and Mail
Platitudes won’t roll back antisemitism

Martin Regg Cohn | Toronto Star
Dividing the Middle East into villains and victims will only sow deeper divisions at home

Randall Denley | National Post
Doug Ford's newly bloated Ontario cabinet shows his government's worst instincts

Konrad Yakabuski | The Globe and Mail
The EU’s very survival is on the ballot in European elections

Allan Woods | Toronto Star
This country just crossed a self-imposed red line in Russia’s war on Ukraine. How it could change the conflict.

Chris Selley | National Post
Beverley McLachlin drags us all down with her in China

Karen Pinchin | The Globe and Mail
Masked bandits are taking over the world, one trash can at a time

Étienne Leblanc | Radio-Canada
Quelques bonnes nouvelles sur le front du climat

Hugo Lavallée | Radio-Canada
Un gouvernement moins dissipé

François Brousseau | Radio-Canada
Élections colossales en Europe, un possible virage historique

International News

The Associated Press
Former astronaut William Anders killed in Washington plane crash - More

The Associated Press
Chicago Police Department receiving special training for Democratic National Convention

The Associated Press
Prosecutor won’t file criminal charges over purchase of $19K lectern by Arkansas governor’s office

BBC News
Justice Juan Merchan flags social post claiming hush-money verdict knowledge

BBC News
Beyoncé tickets, Bali trips and book deals: How Supreme Court justices earned money this year

The Associated Press
Appointed by Trump, Hunter Biden trial judge spent most of her career in civil law

The Associated Press
Mark Meadows pleads not guilty in Arizona’s fake elector case

Deutsche Welle
Donald Duck turns 90

NBC News
Big, yellow and shy: Invasive spiders are crawling up the East Coast - More

The Associated Press
Not Real News: A Look at What Didn’t Happen This Week

The Associated Press
Demand for food delivery has skyrocketed. So have complaints about some drivers.

NBC News
GM has a secret to help sell its new EVs. It's Costco.

The Associated Press
The UN says more aquatic animals were farmed than fished in 2022

Deutsche Welle
How tech can help us to fight heat waves

The Associated Press
Princess Kate apologizes for missing Irish Guards' final rehearsal before king's parade

The Associated Press
Rishi Sunak’s D-Day departure is just the latest in a long line of gaffes in UK election campaigns

BBC News
David Cameron falls victim to hoax video call - More

The Observer
Groundbreaking AI heart attack scans could soon be rolled out across UK

The Associated Press
World War II veteran weds near Normandy's D-Day beaches. He's 100 and his bride is 96. - More

The Associated Press
Black D-Day combat medic’s long-denied medal tenderly laid on Omaha Beach where he bled, saved lives

NBC News
France grapples with memories of the destruction that came with Allied liberation

The Associated Press
Video edited to make it appear Biden tried to sit down when there wasn’t a chair

Reuters News Agency
In Paris, Biden, Macron to discuss Israel and Ukraine

The Associated Press
Photos show French state dinner celebrating 80th anniversary of D-Day - More

Reuters News Agency
France, US intensify efforts to prevent Middle East explosion, Macron says

Deutsche Welle
WWII bomb at Frankfurt Airport detonated safely

Reuters News Agency
Tensions flare on Poland-Belarus border as more migrants arrive - More

The Associated Press
What’s at stake in the European Parliament election that concludes Sunday

Deutsche Welle
How Beethoven's 'Ode to Joy' became EU anthem

Deutsche Welle
Bug meat and other fake news inundate EU voters

Reuters News Agency
Polish man held in custody after Mette Frederiksen assault - More

BBC News
CCTV appears to show missing Michael Mosley leaving village - More

BBC News
I married the love of my life in a Ukrainian bunker - then he was killed

The Observer
Under a drone-filled sky, Ukraine tries to retake a town, one house at a time - More

The Associated Press
Russia jails French NGO worker for collecting military data, flouting 'foreign agent' law

Deutsche Welle
Reports: Russian physicists being denied entry to US

France 24
Allies’ successful first invasion but a ‘botched’ job: Operation Torch, in 1942 - More

Deutsche Welle
Mauritania sees rise in African migrants heading for Europe

Reuters News Agency
Suspected Islamists kill at least 10 in attack on eastern Congo village

Reuters News Agency
US, British citizens among suspects on trial in DRCongo after thwarted coup

The Guardian
Four hostages from Nova music festival rescued in central Gaza - More

Reuters News Agency
Israeli hostage Noa Argamani freed in time to see her terminally ill mother - More

Reuters News Agency
Benny Gantz delays statement after hostage rescue

Deutsche Welle
What could a Middle East two-state solution look like?

BBC News
UN confirms 11 staff detained by Houthis in Yemen

BBC News
The temple storm in Amritsar still affecting Sikhs today

Reuters News Agency
Malaysia defends eviction of sea nomads, citing security concerns

Deutsche Welle
Vietnam detains journalist over Facebook posts

Deutsche Welle
Fact check: Was China's Tiananmen massacre a US-led myth?

Reuters News Agency
Chinese fighter jets approached Dutch ship 'unsafely'

BBC News
Brazil to ask Argentina to extradite alleged rioters

BBC News
Claudia Sheinbaum: Can a climate-scientist turn around an oil country?

Agence France-Presse
La pollution liée aux incendies en Californie aurait tué 52.000 personnes en 10 ans

France 24
Attention à ces intox autour de la cérémonie des 80 ans du débarquement en Normandie

Agence France-Presse
La Russie a conquis 47 localités en Ukraine depuis le début de l’année, dit Poutine

France 24
L’Opération Torch en 1942 au Maroc et en Algérie : l'autre Débarquement

France 24
Ouverture du procès de la tentative de coup d'état en RD Congo

La guerre entre dans son neuvième mois à Gaza

France 24
Gaza pillonnée sans relâche par l'armée israélienne

Agence France-Presse
En Syrie, des volontaires kurdes gardent les champs de blé

Agence France-Presse
La Malaisie détruit 140 habitations d’une communauté autochtone

Agence France-Presse
Nouvelle-Calédonie : huitième mort depuis le début des troubles

International Commentary

Patrick Wintour | The Guardian
‘We’re in 1938 now’: Putin’s war in Ukraine and lessons from history

Susan B. Glasser | The New Yorker
Fighting Trump on the Beaches

Jonathan Freedland | The Guardian
Sunak’s D-day failure is a campaign disaster – and a sign he’s forgotten the very recent past

Aditya Chakrabortty | The Guardian
Don’t underestimate Faragism this election. He’s a virus infecting UK politics.

Lorenzo Marsili | The Guardian
Macron and Meloni appear poles apart – but what if they joined forces to save Europe?

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