SOMNIA - Spotlight on Military News and International Affairs

Thursday, 6 June 2024  - Some links might have expired.

Canadian News

CBC News
As the survivors fade into history, the world marks a D-Day anniversary like no other

CBC News
Some progress made at bargaining talks, TTC union says

Global News
TTC strike countdown: Union says ‘further progress’ made as midnight deadline nears

CBC News
Calgarians told not to shower as city crews search for water leak - More

CBC News
Bank of Canada cuts key interest rate to 4.75%

CBC News
Pro-Palestinian student activists occupy McGill University building

The Canadian Press
Israel denies link to Islamophobic campaign in Canada that Meta says originated there

CBC News
CBSA work-to-rule would create 'chaos,' quick government response, Ian Lee says

CBC News
Civil servant involved in ArriveCan project denies accusations he lied to committee, deleted emails

CBC News
Only a few dozen out of Gaza have made it to Canada

Global News
Why studies show burnout is getting worse: ‘Employees are exhausted’

CBC News
If Canada's tornado alley is shifting east, how can we better prepare?

The Canadian Press
Raed Jaser, convicted in Via Rail terror plot, loses his appeal

Le monde commémore les 80 ans du débarquement de Normandie

« C’est la liberté qui arrive » : la Normandie honore les soldats canadiens

Débarquement de Normandie : « Nous avions un travail à faire et nous l’avons fait »

La Banque du Canada diminue son taux directeur de 25 points de base, à 4,75 % - Plus

Ottawa dit ne pas avoir une liste « fiable » de députés ayant aidé des États étrangers

La Presse canadienne
Le projet de loi sur la protection des élus est adopté à Québec

Doug Ford remanie son cabinet avant la pause estivale

La Presse canadienne
Israël nie tout lien avec une campagne islamophobe au Canada

Québec estime avoir « inversé le déclin du français » au cégep

Canadian Commentary

Murray Brewster | CBC News
D-Day and the struggle to keep history alive

Randolph Churchill III | National Post
From D-Day to Ukraine, Canada has a role to play in defending the free world

Adrian Humphreys | National Post
What to do? Be a millionaire jet set playboy or join the Canadian Army?

Peter Armstrong | CBC News
Cutting interest rates was easy. But the Bank of Canada still has a credibility problem

Matthew Lau | National Post
Pretty much everything the Liberals do makes us poorer

Aaron Wherry | CBC News
A foreign interference report lobbed bombshells at Parliament. Now what?

Oleksandra Matviichuk | National Post
Canada needs to help recover Ukraine's 'stolen children'

Tristin Hopper | National Post
U.S. investigations provide clues to where Canada's anti-Israel money is coming from

Kelly McParland | National Post
Is Sleepy Joe the secret mastermind behind anti-Trump conspiracy?

Michael Higgins | National Post
Even Trump doesn't deserve this level of injustice

Olivier Bourque | Radio-Canada
Une baisse, deux baisses, trois baisses de taux?

International News

Reuters News Agency
Boeing's Starliner capsule docks with ISS after facing thruster issues

CBC News
SpaceX launches, lands fourth test launch of its 37-storey Starship rocket

BBC News
Nvidia value surges past $3tn and overtakes Apple

BBC News
Steve Bannon ordered to prison to serve a four-month sentence

CBC Radio
Pride flags will fly in Colorado despite Republican Party call to burn them

The Guardian
Nearly all minority Fine Gael candidates targeted by racist abuse and threats

BBC News
D-Day left me flabbergasted, says Welsh WW2 veteran. 101

VOA News
Biden, with France visit, looks to past and future of global conflicts

BBC News
King Charles commemorates 80th anniversary of D-Day in Normandy

CBC News
What really happened inside the first house liberated on D-Day

Reuters News Agency
World leaders, veterans, commemorate D-Day's 80th anniversary in Normandy - More

BBC News
French police in Roissy arrest Russian-Ukrainian man on bomb-making charges

Reuters News Agency
Dutch nationalist Geert Wilders eyes win as Netherlands kicks off EU voting

Reuters News Agency
Scholz vows to toughen up German deportation rules after attacks

Reuters News Agency
Bulgaria holds another snap election to end political instability

BBC News
Search under way after TV presenter Michael Mosley goes missing in Greece - More

Reuters News Agency
A year after Greece migrant boat tragedy, answers and justice still out of reach

Reuters News Agency
Ukraine downs 17 out of 18 drones used in Russia's overnight attack

CBC News
Putin's threat to put long-range weapons closer to West leaves unanswered questions

Reuters News Agency
US soldier goes on trial in Russia for threatening to kill girlfriend

BBC News
Russia holds Frenchman accused of military spying

Reuters News Agency
Sudan army vows harsh response to RSF attack on village, UN calls for probe - More

Reuters News Agency
Israel says jets strike school containing Hamas compound - More - More

VOA News
Turkish arms industry gains greater role in supporting Ukraine

VOA News
IAEA board censures Iran for lack of cooperation on nuclear inspections

Reuters News Agency
Modi's appeal clouded in India election by prices, jobs, graft, survey says

BBC News
Myanmar soldiers burned off tattoos and gave detainees urine to drink, witnesses tell BBC

BBC News
The devastating cost of fighting Myanmar's military dictatorship

Reuters News Agency
Indonesia's Ibu volcano erupts twice

BBC News
‘Cold lava’ floods Philippines village after eruption

Reuters News Agency
US approves sale of F-16 parts to Taiwan

Reuters News Agency
China says open to space cooperation with US but 'hurdles' remain

Reuters News Agency
Australia, China seek bigger ties with Solomon Islands

Reuters News Agency
US expecting Russian naval exercises in Caribbean this summer

Agence de presse Reuters
Le premier vol habité de la capsule Starliner lancé depuis la Floride

Agence France-Presse
États-Unis : les républicains bloquent un projet de loi sur l’accès à la contraception

Agence France-Presse
Steve Bannon attendu en prison d’ici le 1er juillet

Joe Biden ferme la porte à un pardon présidentiel pour son fils Hunter

Agence de presse Reuters
Les autorités envisagent des enquêtes sur Microsoft, OpenAI et Nvidia dans l'IA

TVA Nouvelles
Le plus jeune soldat allié à avoir été tué pendant la campagne de Normandie était Québécois

Agence QMI
Des scènes du débarquement comme tatouage sur le corps d’un Français

Agence de presse Reuters
Un russophone interpellé à Roissy alors qu'il tentait de confectionner des explosifs

Agence de presse Reuters
Un russophone interpellé à Roissy alors qu'il tentait de confectionner des explosifs

Agence de presse Reuters
Meta reçoit 11 plaintes sur l'utilisation de données personnelles pour former des modèles d'IA

Agence France-Presse
Premier décès humain de la grippe aviaire de type H5N2, selon l’OMS

Agence de presse Reuters
La France va créer un fonds de soutien pour des projets d'infrastructures en Ukraine

Agence de presse Reuters
Poutine avertit les Occidentaux sur les armes fournies à l'Ukraine pour frapper la Russie

Agence France-Presse
Une blogueuse russe condamnée à plus de 5 ans de prison pour une publication sur Boutcha

Agence France-Presse
Un mort, des dizaines de blessés dans une collision de trams en Sibérie

Agence de presse Reuters
La Russie va fournir davantage d'aide militaire et d'instructeurs au Burkina Faso

Agence France-Presse
Affrontements avec le Hezbollah : l'armée israélienne annonce la mort d'un soldat

Agence de presse Reuters
L'armée israélienne dit avoir mené une frappe contre une école abritant une base du Hamas - Plus

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