SOMNIA - Spotlight on Military News and International Affairs

Wednesday, 5 June 2024  - Some links might have expired.

Canadian News

CBC News
Boeing, NASA hoping third time's the charm to launch new Starliner spacecraft with astronauts - More

The Associated Press
Hubble gyroscope failure means fewer observations, NASA officials say

The Associated Press
House passes proposal sanctioning ICC after it sought Netanyahu arrest warrant

The Associated Press
Treasury official says budget assistance designed to help Ukraine anti-corruption efforts

The Associated Press
Biden will mark D-Day anniversary in France as Western alliances face threats at home and abroad

The Associated Press
Hunter Biden’s ex-wife and other family members are expected to take the stand in his gun trial

The Associated Press
Phoenix using ice immersion to treat heat stroke victims as Southwest bakes in triple digits

The Associated Press
Disney set to invest $17B in Florida parks

The Associated Press
How Biden’s new order to halt asylum at the US border is supposed to work

The Associated Press
Kamala Harris speaks about Trump conviction on ‘Jimmy Kimmel Live’ - Video

The Associated Press
Former prosecutor settles lawsuit against Netflix over Central Park Five series

The Guardian
Immigration dominates agenda as Ireland votes in local and EU polls

The Guardian
One man is trying to revive zero-carbon cargo routes by sailing produce along England’s eastern seaboard

The Guardian
Russian crime group behind London hospitals cyber-attack, says expert

The Associated Press
Centenarian veterans are sharing their memories of D-Day

The Guardian
D-day veteran keeps story alive 80 years on

The Globe and Mail
Joe Biden and Volodymyr Zelenskiy to meet for talks in Normandy

The Associated Press
Hard right is set to surge in this week’s European Union elections

The Guardian
Ukraine is a dividing line in European election that centrists hope to exploit

The Guardian
AfD politician Heinrich Koch stabbed in Mannheim

The Associated Press
Interpol and FBI break up a cyber scheme in Moldova to get asylum for wanted criminals

The Associated Press
Cyprus president says a buffer zone splitting the island won’t become another migrant route

The Associated Press
Nearly 1,000 people honour a young Ukrainian journalist and volunteer combat medic killed in action

The Associated Press
Russian cosmonaut Oleg Kononenko becomes the first person to spend 1,000 days in space

Reuters News Agency
Egyptian man who survived shipwreck denies causing Greece boat disaster

The Associated Press
Russia’s foreign minister again visits Africa, this time in Guinea

The Associated Press
Gunman captured after shootout outside US Embassy in Lebanon - More

The Associated Press
In a West Bank refugee camp, Israel’s raids fuel the militancy it tries to stamp out

The Associated Press
Israeli troops launch attacks in central Gaza, possibly widening their offensive - More

Reuters News Agency
Netanyahu says Israel prepared for strong action in the north

The Associated Press
Famine is possibly underway in northern Gaza despite recent aid efforts, a new report warns

Reuters News Agency
Hamas signals post-war ambition in talks with Palestinian rival Fatah

The Associated Press
Modi claims victory in India’s election but drop in support forces him to rely on coalition partners

Reuters News Agency
Modi set to take oath for the third time on June 8

The Associated Press
Police officers in the Philippines arrested for kidnapping four tourists

Reuters News Agency
Security tight in Hong Kong and China on Tiananmen crackdown anniversary

Reuters News Agency
USAF B-1B bomber drops precision weapon in drills with South Korea fighters

Reuters News Agency
South Korea to resume all military activities along demarcation line

Reuters News Agency
South Korea residents on border with North fear spike in tensions

Reuters News Agency
Kenya enlists evangelical pastors to guide Haiti mission

CBC News
A family returns to France to trace the ambush that changed a Canadian soldier's life

The Canadian Press
Trudeau flying to Normandy

The Canadian Press
D-Day veteran Bill Cameron, 100, dies just days before 80th anniversary events

CBC News
Canada's failure to block forced-labour imports draws U.S. scrutiny

Justin Trudeau au 80e anniversaire du jour J

La Presse canadienne
Un vétéran canadien est mort juste avant le 80e anniversaire du jour J

L’Arabie saoudite, premier importateur d’armes canadiennes pour une 8e année de suite

Projet minier La Loutre et armée américaine : « On nous prend pour des c… »

François Legault recevra Justin Trudeau lundi prochain à Québec

La Presse canadienne
Tiananmen : la répression à Hong Kong donne un nouvel élan aux veillées au Canada

Des étudiants peinent à trouver un emploi d’été à cause de la concurrence vive

Une collaboratrice de Robert Miller à son tour arrêtée pour proxénétisme

Canadian Commentary

Tu Thanh Ha | The Globe and Mail
What Canadian soldiers saw on Juno Beach

Aaron Wherry | CBC News
The carbon pricing debate is somehow getting worse

John Ivison | National Post
Freeland claimed deficits were under control. We're now discovering the truth

Terry Glavin | National Post
It isn't 'foreign interference' if the culprits are willing MPs

Michael Higgins | National Post
Biden pressures Israel to lose the war

Tasha Kheiriddin | National Post
Brace for a possible tsunami of illegal migrants if Trump is re-elected

Poppy Coburn | National Post
Rishi Sunak is destined to become the U.K.'s Kim Campbell

Rahim Mohamed | National Post
The anti-Israel mob's next target — Pride

Fannie Olivier | Radio-Canada
Ingérence étrangère : la saison 2 du thriller d’espionnage

International News

Reuters News Agency
Boeing's Starliner capsule launched on first crewed space flight after several delays - More

The Associated Press
Hubble gyroscope failure means fewer observations, NASA officials say - More

The Associated Press
House passes proposal sanctioning ICC after it sought Netanyahu arrest warrant

The Associated Press
Treasury official says budget assistance designed to help Ukraine anti-corruption efforts

CNN News
NYPD preparing to revoke Donald Trump’s license to carry a gun

The Associated Press
Biden will mark D-Day anniversary in France as Western alliances face threats at home and abroad

The Associated Press
Hunter Biden’s ex-wife and other family members are expected to take the stand in his gun trial

The Associated Press
Phoenix using ice immersion to treat heat stroke victims as Southwest bakes in triple digits

The Associated Press
Disney set to invest $17B in Florida parks

The Associated Press
How Biden’s new order to halt asylum at the US border is supposed to work

Reuters News Agency
New reality for migrants at U.S.-Mexico border as Biden asylum ban takes effect

The Associated Press
Kamala Harris speaks about Trump conviction on ‘Jimmy Kimmel Live’ - Video

The Associated Press
Former prosecutor settles lawsuit against Netflix over Central Park Five series

The Guardian
Immigration dominates agenda as Ireland votes in local and EU polls

The Guardian
One man is trying to revive zero-carbon cargo routes by sailing produce along England’s eastern seaboard

The Guardian
Russian crime group behind London hospitals cyber-attack, says expert

The Associated Press
Centenarian veterans are sharing their memories of D-Day

The Guardian
D-day veteran keeps story alive 80 years on

The Globe and Mail
Joe Biden and Volodymyr Zelenskiy to meet for talks in Normandy

The Associated Press
Hard right is set to surge in this week’s European Union elections

Reuters News Agency
World hits streak of record temperatures as UN warns of 'climate hell'

The Guardian
Ukraine is a dividing line in European election that centrists hope to exploit

The Guardian
AfD politician Heinrich Koch stabbed in Mannheim

The Associated Press
Interpol and FBI break up a cyber scheme in Moldova to get asylum for wanted criminals

The Associated Press
Cyprus president says a buffer zone splitting the island won’t become another migrant route

The Associated Press
Nearly 1,000 people honour a young Ukrainian journalist and volunteer combat medic killed in action

Reuters News Agency
Putin says West is wrong to assume Russia would never use nuclear weapons - More

The Associated Press
Russian cosmonaut Oleg Kononenko becomes the first person to spend 1,000 days in space

Reuters News Agency
Egyptian man who survived shipwreck denies causing Greece boat disaster

The Associated Press
Russia’s foreign minister again visits Africa, this time in Guinea

The Associated Press
Gunman captured after shootout outside US Embassy in Lebanon - More

Agence de presse Reuters
Hezbollah drones wound seven in northern Israel village

Reuters News Agency
Israel's Barak quits ICJ panel, citing personal reasons

The Associated Press
In a West Bank refugee camp, Israel’s raids fuel the militancy it tries to stamp out

The Associated Press
Israeli troops launch attacks in central Gaza, possibly widening their offensive - More

Reuters News Agency
Biden's airing of Gaza ceasefire proposal pushes Netanyahu toward a deal

Reuters News Agency
Netanyahu says Israel prepared for strong action in the north

The Associated Press
Famine is possibly underway in northern Gaza despite recent aid efforts, a new report warns

Reuters News Agency
Hamas signals post-war ambition in talks with Palestinian rival Fatah

Agence de presse Reuters
Yemen's Houthis target three vessels in Red Sea and Arabian Sea

The Associated Press
Modi claims victory in India’s election but drop in support forces him to rely on coalition partners

Reuters News Agency
Modi set to take oath for the third time on June 8

The Associated Press
Police officers in the Philippines arrested for kidnapping four tourists

Reuters News Agency
Security tight in Hong Kong and China on Tiananmen crackdown anniversary

Reuters News Agency
USAF B-1B bomber drops precision weapon in drills with South Korea fighters

Reuters News Agency
South Korea to resume all military activities along demarcation line

Reuters News Agency
South Korea residents on border with North fear spike in tensions

Reuters News Agency
Kenya enlists evangelical pastors to guide Haiti mission

Agence France-Presse
Depuis sa condamnation, Trump lève des sommes folles

Agence de presse Reuters
Biden va restreindre l'asile à la frontière mexicaine

Agence de presse Reuters
Biden est arrivé en France pour les cérémonies du Débarquement

Agence de presse Reuters
En France, un scrutin européen à fort enjeu pour Macron

Agence de presse Reuters
Une députée LFI brandit à nouveau un drapeau palestinien à l'Assemblée nationale

Agence de presse Reuters
La fusée Ariane 6 effectuera son vol inaugural le 9 juillet, selon l'ESA

Agence de presse Reuters
L'ambassade de Russie à Paris dénonce une « campagne russophobe »

Agence de presse Reuters
Allemagne : Scholz annonce l'achat de 20 Eurofighter supplémentaires

Agence de presse Reuters
Le Parlement slovène approuve la reconnaissance d'un État palestinien

Agence de presse Reuters
Les USA ne prévoient d'envoyer d'instructeurs militaires en Ukraine

Agence de presse Reuters
Pour l'Ukraine, les frappes en territoire russe vont affaiblir Moscou près de la frontière

Agence France-Presse
Poutine menace de livrer des armes à des pays tiers pour frapper les intérêts occidentaux

Agence de presse Reuters
Nigéria : Les syndicats suspendent la grève pour discuter du salaire minimum

Agence de presse Reuters
Liban : Arrestation après une fusillade devant l'ambassade américaine

Agence de presse Reuters
Plus de 500 Palestiniens tués en Cisjordanie depuis la guerre à Gaza, selon l'Onu

Agence de presse Reuters
Les USA attendent encore une réponse du Hamas sur l'offre de cessez-le-feu

Agence de presse Reuters
Il est possible que Netanyahu fasse durer la guerre à Gaza à des fins politiques, dit Biden

Agence de presse Reuters
Modi et ses alliés se réunissent après une victoire sans éclat

International Commentary

Cas Mudde | The Guardian
The far right may not win real power in Europe – but it will influence those who do

Zoe Williams | The Guardian
Stormy Daniels has never been cowed. And now, she is vindicated.

Rebecca Solnit | The Guardian
Trump, Covid, the climate crisis – we’ve had a hard few years. The wounds linger.

Louisa Lim | The Guardian
China’s crackdown on Tiananmen memorials shows its obsession with security – and growing paranoia

Deborah Douglas | The Guardian
Your brain sees sugar as a reward. But does that mean it’s addictive?

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