SOMNIA - Spotlight on Military News and International Affairs

Monday, 1 April 2024  - Some links might have expired.

Canadian News

High River News
Royal Canadian Air Force turns 100 - More - More

The Globe and Mail
As RCAF celebrates 100 years, women reflect on their role - More

Barie Today
Flypasts marking RCAF's anniversary planned for CFB Borden

The Aviationist
RAF and RCAF Pilots Have Completed IFTS Training at Decimomannu - More

The Maple Leaf
MND’s Message for the RCAF’s 100th Anniversary - More

CTV News
Edmonton: CH-146 Griffon flypast marks 100th anniversary of RCAF - More

CTV News
Exhibit at Calgary military museums highlights 100 years of the RCAF - More

Free Press Community Review
SAR Techs to “drop in” by parachute to Assiniboine Park on Tuesday

Global News
Terror threat in Canada ‘elevated’ after Moscow attack, says Gen. Petraeus - More

Global News
Air Canada’s Hong Kong jet maintenance deal raises security concerns

CBC News
Warmer winters are delaying the opening of winter roads in the north

Global News
Canada’s population hits 41 million

Global News
Carbon price increase comes into effect, rising to $80 per tonne - More

CBC News
Protests erupt across Canada against the federal carbon tax

The Canadian Press
Canada expands Haiti airlift to include relatives, permanent residents

Nouvelles de l’ARC
Le 1er avril 2024 marque les 100 ans de service de l’ARC

La Feuille d’érable
Message du MDN à l’occasion du 100e anniversaire de l’ARC

Agence QMI
Météo au Québec : du beau temps en attendant la neige en milieu de semaine

Six personnes arrêtées lors d’une manifestation propalestinienne à Toronto

Une nouvelle loi sur la police entre en vigueur en Ontario, cinq ans après son adoption

Les bienfaits insoupçonnés du télétravail pour les personnes neuroatypiques

Agence QMI
Vrai ou faux : gare à ne pas tomber dans le piège de ces poissons d’avril

Protection du territoire : l’industrie du sirop d’érable déplore le silence de Québec

Agence QMI
En visite à Montréal, des Américains se retrouvent avec des AirTags sur leurs véhicules

Agence QMI
AirTag glissé dans sa sacoche par un inconnu

Canadian Commentary

Michael Harris | The Hill Times
God save us all: Trump’s selling Bibles now

Ignacio Cofone | The Globe and Mail
Why I encourage my students to use ChatGPT

Campbell Clark | The Globe and Mail
The premiers’ accidental clarity in carbon taxes

Marcus Gee | The Globe and Mail
What Trudeau should say about the carbon tax

International News

Air Force Times
Nearly 250,000 veterans to receive payouts in 3M earplug settlement

Air Force Times
National Guard wish list would restore fighters cut from 2025 budget

Reuters News Agency
United Airlines offers pilots unpaid leave to cut overstaffing - More

The Associated Press
Gmail revolutionized email 20 years ago

Reuters News Agency
Google to destroy browsing data to settle consumer privacy lawsuit

Reuters News Agency
OpenAI makes ChatGPTs accessible without requiring sign ups

CBS News
How did April Fools' Day start and what are some famous pranks?

Reuters News Agency
Trapped vessels start to move out of Baltimore

BBC News
Baltimore bridge collapse: What will happen to the 21 sailors stranded on CS Dali? - Photo

CNN News
Suspect arrested after vehicle crashes into gate at Atlanta FBI field office

CNN News
Alex Murdaugh sentenced in federal court to 40 years in prison for financial crimes

CNN News
RFK Jr. argues that Biden is a bigger threat to democracy than Trump

Reuters News Agency
Trump Media shares plummet 21% - More

CNN News
Hope Hicks expected to testify in Trump’s hush money trial

Reuters News Agency
Would-be Tesla buyers snub company

The Associated Press
Bird flu has hit U.S. dairy cattle for the first time

BBC News
Person in Texas diagnosed with avian flu after contact with cattle

ABC News
More than 20 million under flood watches on West Coast

NBC News
When the solar eclipse arrives, N.Y. prisons will be locked down

The Associated Press
UPS to become the primary air cargo provider for the United States Postal Service

The Associated Press
Millions of recalled Hyundai and Kia vehicles with a dangerous defect remain on the road

The Associated Press
Who wouldn’t like prices to start falling? Careful what you wish for, economists say.

The Independent
Mercury will go Retrograde in Aries on April 1

The Guardian
Salt, air and bricks: Could this be the future of energy storage?

The Guardian
France says it expects China to send ‘very clear messages’ to Russia

Reuters News Agency
Ukraine's energy system far from collapse despite weeks of Russian strikes

Reuters News Agency
Ukraine says Russia has fired five Zircon missiles at Kyiv this year - More

Deutsche Welle
Car bomb kills Russian-appointed official in eastern Ukraine

Reuters News Agency
Putin signs decree on spring military conscription - More

Reuters News Agency
Iran alerted Russia to security threat before Moscow attack

Reuters News Agency
Foreign fighters held in Russia's Dagestan linked to concert hall attack

Reuters News Agency
Russian military intelligence unit may be linked to 'Havana syndrome'

Reuters News Agency
Kremlin dismisses report Russia behind 'Havana Syndrome'

Deutsche Welle
Russia extends detention of US-Russian journalist Kurmasheva

Reuters News Agency
Mali political parties request elections after junta shuns transition promise

Reuters News Agency
Erdogğn vows to make amends after humbling election loss

Reuters News Agency
Iranian consulate in Damascus flattened in suspected Israeli air strike - More

The Guardian
Iran vows revenge after two generals killed in Israeli strike on Syria consulate

Deutsche Welle
Israel withdraws from Gaza's devastated Shifa Hospital - More

Reuters News Agency
Gaza's al-Shifa hospital in ruins after two-week Israeli raid - More

Reuters News Agency
Israel reports aerial attack on Eilat; Iraqi militia claims launch

Reuters News Agency
Netanyahu revives moves to shut Qatar's Al Jazeera TV in Israel

The Associated Press
Americans star on an Iraqi basketball team. Its owners include forces that attacked US troops

Reuters News Agency
Imran Khan: Pakistan court suspends jail sentence in graft appeal - More

Reuters News Agency
India's Modi questions rival Congress about island ceded to Sri Lanka

Reuters News Agency
Indonesian president-elect visits China after decade of close ties

Reuters News Agency
Indonesian Muslims sign up for tattoo removal 'to repent' during Ramadan

Reuters News Agency
China ready to deepen strategic cooperation with Indonesia

Reuters News Agency
Former Taiwan president Ma leaves for China, likely to meet Xi

Reuters News Agency
Chinese state media stoked allegation Taiwan's president would flee war

The Guardian
Huawei shrugs off US sanctions with fastest growth in four years

The Guardian
US and UK could send nuclear waste to Australia under Aukus, inquiry told

The Guardian
Lula dismays relatives of dictatorship’s victims by ignoring coup anniversary

The Guardian
Two men in Haiti suspected of buying weapons for gangs lynched by mob

The Associated Press
Une brèche de sécurité force AT&T à réinitialiser des millions de mots de passe

Agence France-Presse
Nouveau record historique pour l’or, qui vient d’atteindre 2260 dollars l’once

Agence France-Presse
Immigration clandestine : les traversées de la Manche ont augmenté de plus de 40% au premier trimestre

Le Figaro
Proviseur menacé : l’État doit « faire des vagues » face aux islamistes, encourage Richard Malka

Agence France-Presse
JO Paris 2024 : 800 personnes écartées sur 180.000 contrôles de sécurité effectués

Agence France-Presse
Ukraine : nouveaux bombardements russes sur des infrastructures

Agence France-Presse
La Russie arrête ses efforts pour retrouver 13 mineurs coincés sous terre

Agence France-Presse
Mali : plus de 80 partis politiques et organisations réclament la tenue d'une présidentielle

Agence France-Presse
Erdoğan concède une victoire historique de l’opposition aux municipales - Plus

Agence de presse Reuters
Le consulat iranien à Damas détruit par une frappe israélienne présumée

Agence de presse Reuters
Netanyahu opéré avec succès d'une hernie

Agence de presse Reuters
Le Parlement ratifie une loi interdisant la diffusion d'Al Jazeera

Agence France-Presse
Une frappe israélienne sur un hôpital de Gaza fait quatre morts et 17 blessés

Agence France-Presse
L'armée israélienne a « achevé » les opérations dans la zone de l'hôpital al-Shifa à Gaza

Agence France-Presse
Israël : trois blessés graves dans une attaque au couteau

Agence France-Presse
Des milliers de manifestants de nouveau dans la rue pour demander le départ de Netanyahou

Agence France-Presse
Afghanistan : neuf enfants tués par l'explosion d'une mine soviétique avec laquelle ils jouaient

Agence de presse Reuters
Pékin dit vouloir importer davantage de produits français

Agence France-Presse
La sonde lunaire japonaise SLIM de nouveau endormie

Agence France-Presse
Brésil : un bus percute une procession de Pâques, au moins quatre morts

International Commentary

Max Boot | The Washington Post
Ending the Israeli-Palestinian conflict requires a Sadat-style leader

Gail Collins and Bret Stephens | The New York Times
Politicians Aren’t Even Fooling Themselves

Jason Willick | The Washington Post
The dark side of active citizenship

Tiffany Hsu and Steven Lee Myers | The New York Times
China’s Advancing Efforts to Influence the U.S. Election Raise Alarms

Tareq Baconi | The New York Times
The Two State Solution Is an Unjust, Impossible Fantasy

Simon Tisdall | The Observer
Isolated abroad, torn apart at home, Israel must face the future it dreads: a Palestinian state

David Gelles | The New York Times
Can We Engineer Our Way Out of the Climate Crisis?


Will Hutton | The Observer
The UK is trapped in a cycle of political, social and financial turmoil. But there is a way out…

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