SOMNIA - Spotlight on Military News and International Affairs

Friday, 29 March 2024  - Some links might have expired.

Canadian News

CTV News
CT-155 Hawks retiring to CFB Borden

Reuters News Agency
Niagara region declares state of emergency ahead of rare eclipse - More

CBC News
Premiers Higgs, Smith call on MPs to abandon carbon pricing program

CBC News
Alberta's population surges by record-setting 202,000 people

National Post
Canada's adversaries will be watching foreign interference inquiry, warns commissioner

National Post
CSIS alerted Elections Canada to 'foreign interference allegation' in Don Valley riding

CBC News
48 stolen vehicles recovered in undercover bust: Toronto police

The Weather Network
Canada faces a fickle April as winter wanes and summer teases

The Canadian Press
New study says fireworks have small effect on air quality, but doctors not impressed

Canadian Commentary

Aaron Wherry | CBC News
The current carbon tax debate is important — it's just not serious

John Ivison | National Post
Canada's economy desperately needs shock treatment after this Liberal government

Randall Denley | National Post
Doug Ford abandons fiscal responsibility

Terry Glavin | National Post
Liberals are leaving an ungodly mess for Poilievre's Conservatives to clean up

Bruce Arthur | Toronto Star
Pierre Poilievre says one thing. 200 experts refute it. Who to believe?

John Ivison | National Post
Canadians still positive about immigration but they want Ottawa to 'get its act together,' Marc Miller says

Heather Mallick | Toronto Star
Did the world need another take on Nazi depravity? This film offers an unsettling answer.

Chris Selley | National Post
A warning from Baltimore about preparing for the next inevitable Canadian disaster

International News

Reuters News Agency
Obama, Clinton on why Americans don't love the Biden economy - More

Reuters News Agency
Kamala Harris pushes the envelope

ABC News
Jimmy Carter, more than a year into hospice care, reaches another milestone

Agence France-Presse
Federal Reserve’s inflation fight remains on track despite recent uptick: Powell

CBC News
Crews work to clear Frances Key Scott bridge wreckage - More

ABC News
Baltimore Key Bridge collapse: Largest crane on Eastern Seaboard to help clear channel

The Guardian
BSU professor was behind extremist site that spread conspiracies

The Associated Press
Northern Ireland's DUP leader Donaldson steps down after sex offence charges - More

BBC News
Scotland was 'hoodwinked' by Donald Trump, says Neil Hobday

The Guardian
British army ends century-old ban to allow troops to grow beards

Reuters News Agency
Illness, scandal and discord leave UK royal family looking depleted

France 24
Gotland island, a strategic location in the Baltic Sea, remilitarises as Sweden joins NATO

France 24
Faced with rising sea levels, the Netherlands seeks to work with nature

The Guardian
Western governments struggle to coordinate response to Chinese hacking

Reuters News Agency
Meloni, Le Pen rift mars far right's prospects of wielding EU power

BBC News
War a real threat and Europe not ready, warns Donald Tusk

Reuters News Agency
Colonel-General Oleksandr Syrskyi says Ukraine needs fewer troops than expected

The Guardian
Russian Su-35 crashes off Crimea

Reuters News Agency
Sergei Lavrov tells Izvestia that Ukraine peace plan is pointless

BBC News
Evan Gershkovich: Waiting for her brother, Putin's 'bargaining chip' in Russian jail

Reuters News Agency
Tajikistan detains nine people over Russian concert hall attack

The Associated Press
45 dead in South Africa bus crash, 8-year-old girl only survivor

Reuters News Agency
Erdoğan to visit U.S. on May 9 - More

Reuters News Agency
Israel kills dozens in airstrikes across the Gaza Strip

BBC News
ICJ orders Israel to allow food and medical aid into Gaza

The Guardian
‘Ecocide in Gaza’: Does scale of environmental destruction amount to a war crime?

Reuters News Agency
US has signed off on more bombs and warplanes for Israel - More

Reuters News Agency
China joins probe into deadly Pakistan suicide attack on its nationals

Reuters News Agency
India's Congress says facing 'tax terrorism' after second tax notice

Agence France-Presse
Dien Bien Phu: France to repatriate bodies of colonial soldiers killed in 1954 Vietnam defeat

Reuters News Agency
Taiwan's navy chief to visit U.S. next week

Reuters News Agency
Russian veto points to 'grim future' for North Korea sanctions enforcement - More

Reuters News Agency
North Korea rules out any meetings with Japan

Reuters News Agency
Japan finally screens 'Oppenheimer', with trigger warnings, unease in Hiroshima - More

Agence de presse Reuters
Les USA avaient transmis à la Russie une note écrite sur le projet d'attentat de Moscou-Maison blanche

Agence de presse Reuters
Le fondateur de FTX, Sam Bankman-Fried, condamné à 25 ans de prison pour fraude

Le Figaro
Parcs et cimetière fermés, circulation perturbée : la tempête Nelson souffle à plus de 110 km/h à Lyon

Agence de presse Reuters
Marine Le Pen et Giorgia Meloni, une famille politique, deux partitions européennes

Agence de presse Reuters
La Roumanie dit avoir trouvé des fragments de drone près de sa frontière avec l'Ukraine

Le Figaro
Italie : les images impressionnantes d’un télésiège et de ses passagers ballottés par des vents à plus de 110 km/h

Agence France-Presse
Ukraine : la Russie endommage « gravement » trois centrales thermiques

Agence France-Presse
La Russie dit avoir déjoué un attentat dans le sud du pays

Agence de presse Reuters
La Russie dit avoir la preuve d'un lien entre l'attentat de Moscou et des « nationalistes ukrainiens »

Agence de presse Reuters
Le Kremlin requiert le « silence absolu » sur le sort d'Evan Gershkovich

Agence de presse Reuters
L'ONG russe Memorial dit que la santé de son dirigeant emprisonné se détériore

Agence de presse Reuters
Madagascar : Au moins 11 morts et des milliers de déplacés après le passage du cyclone Gamane

Agence de presse Reuters
Des frappes israéliennes font 38 morts en Syrie

Agence de presse Reuters
La CIJ ordonne à Israël d'agir pour la distribution d'aide à Gaza

Agence de presse Reuters
Moustafa forme un nouveau gouvernement palestinien et prend la diplomatie

Agence France-Presse
Stéphane Séjourné se rendra en Chine lundi

Agence France-Presse
La Russie impose à l'ONU la fin de la surveillance des sanctions contre la Corée du Nord

Le Monde
Au Pérou, la présidente par intérim, Dina Boluarte, rattrapée par une affaire de montres de luxe

Agence de presse Reuters
Haïti : La violence des gangs a déjà fait plus de 1.500 morts en 2024, selon l'Onu

International Commentary

Pamela Paul | The New York Times
Is Threads the Good Place?

Yarimar Bonilla | The New York Times
Kamala Harris’s Epic Failure in Puerto Rico

Ayesha Siddiqa | The New York Times
What Is Going On in Pakistan?

James Surowiecki | The Atlantic
Donald Trump gets into the meme-stock business

Susan Matthews | Slate
It’s Time to Give Up the Lie We Keep Telling Ourselves About Donald Trump

Amanda Marcotte | Salon
Republicans stick with loser strategy that failed them in 2020 and 2022

Tom Nichols | The Atlantic
Evan Gershkovich’s Year in Captivity

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