SOMNIA - Spotlight on Military News and International Affairs

Monday, 19 February 2024  - Some links might have expired.

Canadian News

CBC News
Vast majority of permanent residents applying to join military haven't been accepted

CBC News
With American aid to Ukraine stuck in limbo, MND says others must step up

Reuters News Agency
Canada to donate over 800 drones to Ukraine for defence - More - Video

CBC News
Man from Gaza desperate to bring family to Saskatoon amid limited visas

CBC News
Many Canadians are fed up with shrinkflation. So what's being done about it?

The Canadian Press
Lanny McDonald out of hospital after cardiac event

Le Canada offre 800 drones à l’Ukraine

L’extrême Nord du Québec maintenant connecté à la fibre optique

Canadian Commentary

Irvin Studin | The Globe and Mail
Two decades later, it’s time for a new Canadian national security policy

Ian Brown | The Globe and Mail
In defence of aging at the top

The Editorial Board | The Globe and Mail
With the Trudeau government, everything is ‘an unacceptable situation’

Adam Pankratz | National Post
Guilbeault drives down the slippery slope to climate tyranny

Raymond J. de Souza | National Post
How can Guilbeault suggest that our roads are in any way 'adequate'?

Sarah Niedoba and Laura Chang | The Globe and Mail
Will the government learn anything from the ArriveCan saga?

Michael Harris | The Hill Times
Obvious loser in ArriveCan scandal is Trudeau government

Rob Csernyik | The Globe and Mail
The bad and the ugly of supermarket self-checkouts

Stephen Harper | National Post
Israel's war is just, Hamas must surrender or be eliminated

Terry Glavin | National Post
Alexei Navlany's courage against Putin shames the western world

International News

The Associated Press
Stalled US aid for Ukraine underscores GOP's shift away from confronting Russia

Reuters News Agency
Trump breaks silence on Navalny, casts no blame on Putin - Video

The Washington Post
Documents reveal Abraham Lincoln pardoned Biden’s great-great-grandfather

CNN News
Jury deliberations in civil trial against the NRA and its top officials to continue Tuesday

The Associated Press
Minnesota man who shot two officers and a firefighter wasn’t allowed to have guns

Reuters News Agency
US proposes UN Security Council oppose Rafah assault, back temporary Gaza ceasefire

The Associated Press
Julian Assange may be near the end of his long fight to stay out of the US

The Daily Beast
Insiders Say There’s ‘No Way’ King Will ‘Re-Royal’ Prince Harry

Reuters News Agency
Germany seeks more EU sanctions against Russia over Navalny's death

The New York Times
As Putin Threatens, Despair and Hedging in Europe

Reuters News Agency
Ursula von der Leyen set to win backing for second term from Germany

Reuters News Agency
China offers to back Hungary in security matters

Reuters News Agency
Tractors roll into downtown Prague as Czech farmers join protests

The Guardian
Russian pilot who defected found dead in Spain, says Ukraine security agency

The Guardian
UK documentary listens to both sides on Ukraine’s frontline with Russia

The Associated Press
Lack of ammunition threatens Ukraine's hold on front line

The Guardian
US could send long-range missiles to Ukraine if funding passes

Reuters News Agency
Russia takes full control of Avdiivka coke plant

ABC News
Navalny's widow vows to continue husband's opposition to Putin - More - More

Reuters News Agency
Alexei Navalny's death: What do we know?

The Associated Press
Most of Russia’s opposition is either dead, in exile abroad or in prison at home

Business Insider
Putin may have fired the admiral of Russia's Black Sea Fleet

Putin's Possible Successor Warns Russia's Neighbors Face 'Chaos'

The Associated Press
Morocco intercepts a boat with 141 people as African migrants increasingly attempt to reach Spain

Reuters News Agency
At IJC, Palestinians demand end of Israeli occupation

The Associated Press
Benjamin Netanyahu vows to 'finish the job' in Gaza - More

Reuters News Agency
Rafah attack: How Israel plans to hit Hamas and scale back war

Reuters News Agency
14 patients evacuated from besieged Gaza hospital

The Associated Press
Crew forced to abandon cargo ship near Yemen after Houthi missile strike

Reuters News Agency
IAEA chief says Iran's nuclear enrichment activity remains high

The Washington Post
Iran, wary of wider war, urges its proxies to avoid provoking U.S.

The New York Times
U.S. Strike Killed Afghans Recruited to Fight for Iran

The Washington Post
The Taliban vowed to change Kabul. The city may be starting to change the Taliban.

The Associated Press
Astronomers find what may be the universe's brightest object - More

The Associated Press
David Cameron says he hopes the Falkland Islands will wish to stay in the UK family forever

Reuters News Agency
Brazil recalls ambassador to Israel in row over Lula's Gaza comments - More

Reuters News Agency
Colombia's ELN would respond with force to any break in ceasefire, says leader

The Associated Press
Widow, ex-PM and former police chief indicted in 2021 assassination of Haiti’s president

Agence de presse Reuters
L'épouse de Navalny participera lundi au Conseil des Affaires étrangères de l'UE

Agence de presse Reuters
Le Parti conservateur reste majoritaire en Galice

Agence de presse Reuters
L'Ukraine accuse la Russie d'avoir exécuté des prisonniers blessés

Vidéo : Près de 20 000 enfants ukrainiens enlevés par les Russes

Agence de presse Reuters
La cause de la mort de Navalny pas encore déterminée, déclare une porte-parole

Agence de presse Reuters
Ce que l’on sait de la mort d’Alexeï Navalny

Agence de presse Reuters
Deux morts après des naufrages au large de la Libye, selon MSF

Agence de presse Reuters
Le pape François appelle à la fin de la guerre civile au Soudan

Agence de presse Reuters
La CIJ se penche sur l'occupation israélienne des territoires palestiniens - Vidéo

Agence de presse Reuters
Frappes américaines défensives dans des zones contrôlées par les Houthis

Agence de presse Reuters
Chine : Boom du tourisme pendant les vacances du Nouvel an lunaire

L’objet céleste le plus brillant détecté à ce jour

Agence de presse Reuters
Argentine : La pauvreté au plus haut niveau depuis 20 ans, selon une étude

International Commentary

Iain Duncan Smith | The Telegraph
The Britiah Army officer exodus is about to get much worse

Anton Troianovski | The New York Times
Inside Aleksei Navalny’s Final Months, in His Own Words

Natan Sharansky and Carl Gershman | The Washington Post
The Evil Empire collapsed. Putin’s regime will, too.

Olga Chyzh | The Guardian
Putin seems to be devising his most ominous scheme yet

Mikhail Shishkin | The Guardian
Navalny was naive about Putin’s Russia, but he gave us hope.

George T. Conway III | The Atlantic
Nine New York Jurors Saw Trump for Who He Really Is

Hugo Lowell | The Guardian
After a bad legal week for Trump, even worse could be on the horizon

Isaac Arnsdorf, Josh Dawsey and Michael Birnbaum | The Washington Post
Trump didn’t quit NATO, but a potential second term alarms allies

Gail Collins and Bret Stephens | The New York Times
The art of the deal has a downside

Judgment Day | The Economist
The consequences of Donald Trump’s huge fine for fraud

Miranda Carter | The New York Times
King Charles Has Done What Monarchs Before Him Would Not Dare

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