SOMNIA - Pleins feux sur les nouvelles militaires
Mercredi, le 14 février 2024 - Mise à jour à 07 h 50 HAE
Nouvelles canadiennes
Ottawa a suspendu ses contrats avec la compagnie à l’origine de l’application ArriveCAN
Olivia Chow dit présenter un budget qui « remet la Ville sur les rails »
Denis Coderre dit vouloir revenir en politique pour combattre les indépendantistes
Des ministères sur la sellette pour leur usage d’outils d’extraction de données
La Feuille d’érable
Nouvelles de l’Équipe de la Défense
Direction - Histoire et patrimoine
Dates significatives dans l’histoire militaire canadienne
CBC News
Canada chips in another $60M for Ukrainian F-16 training as U.S. aid remains gridlocked
CBC News
Collection of hundreds of WW II love letters offers glimpse into 'human sides of history'
CBC News
About 20 to 30 centimetres of snow expected in Newfoundland
SaltWire Network
Nor’easter’s Valentine’s Day wallop closes N.S. schools, hobbles travel
Global News
Boats sunk by January cold snap removed from Okanagan Lake
The Guardian
Polar bears risk starvation as they face longer ice-free periods
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The Canadian Press
Bell CEO, other execs called to committee to answer questions about job cuts
CBC News
P.E.I. bus drivers are getting fed up with their new electric school buses
The Globe and Mail
Toronto’s Mount Sinai Hospital to boost security after march in support of Palestine
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The Canadian Press
A list of policies and cuts the Doug Ford government has reversed
Global News
Bowmanville brewery receives onslaught of online hate after hosting Justin Trudeau
CP24 News
No ID, no entry: LCBO launching controlled entrances pilot at six stores
National Post
Shortage of inspectors, controllers behind worrying downgrade to Canada's air travel regime
The Canadian Press
Toronto library, zoo attacks show a need to boost cybersecurity
CBC News
Commons staff would not have screened Yaroslav Hunka for 'reputational risks,' MPs told
CBC News
Alberta RCMP officer accused of leaking police information to Rwandan government
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Reuters News Agency
Canadian-Russian woman pleads guilty in U.S. to sending military components to Russia
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The Ottawa Citizen
Defence Watch
The Maple Leaf
Defence Team News
Directorate of History and Heritage
Significant Dates in Canadian Military History
Commentaires canadiens
Frédéric Arnould | Radio-Canada
Trump et les républicains, une petite entreprise familiale perdante?
Valérie Boisclair | Radio-Canada
Un autre mandat de Donald Trump serait « dévastateur pour le climat »
Scott Taylor | The Hill Times
The inability to house our soldiers is a national shame
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John Ibbitson | The Globe and Mail
Liberals face political oblivion with Trudeau at the helm
Jake Fuss and Grady Munro | The Globe and Mail
Trudeau government can balance the budget if it wants to – here’s how
Alexander Panetta | CBC News
Trump or Ukraine: It's the momentous decision now before the U.S. House
John Ivison | National Post
Conservative coyness about meeting NATO targets won’t cut it with President Trump
Andrew Coyne | The Globe and Mail
On ArriveCAN, the question is not just who did what, but why?
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Tasha Kheiriddin | National Post
ArriveCAN could be the nail in the Liberals' political coffin
Nouvelles internationales
Agence France-Presse
La Chambre des représentants inculpe le secrétaire à la Sécurité intérieure
Agence France-Presse
Victoire démocrate à une législative à New York pour remplacer George Santos
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Agence France-Presse
Un rare cas de peste bubonique confirmé aux États-Unis
Tempêtes et montée des eaux : des plages du Maine méconnaissables
Agence France-Presse
SpaceX reporte d’un jour le décollage de la fusée Falcon 9
Agence France-Presse
Nicolas Sarkozy condamné à un an de prison, dont six mois avec sursis
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Agence France-Presse
Grève à la SNCF : « La grève est un droit », mais « travailler est un devoir », affirme Gabriel Attal
Après les attaques de Trump, l’OTAN met en avant des budgets en hausse
Agence France-Presse
18 pays de l'OTAN atteindront l'objectif de dépenses militaires en 2024
Agence France-Presse
Le nouveau chef des armées en Ukraine juge la situation « extrêmement complexe »
- Plus
Le Figaro
Un nouveau navire russe détruit par un drone naval en Crimée, selon Kiev
Agence France-Presse
Russie : une loi promulguée par Poutine pour confisquer les biens des détracteurs de l'armée
Agence France-Presse
Sissi accueille Erdoğan pour sa première visite en Égypte en plus de 10 ans
Agence France-Presse
Crise au Sénégal : Macky Sall réunit ses ministres sur fond de rumeurs d'amnistie
Agence France-Presse
L'armée israélienne a lancé des raids aériens sur le Liban
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Agence France-Presse
Guerre Hamas-Israël : des familles d’otages vont déposer plainte à la CPI contre le Hamas
Agence France-Presse
Mahmoud Abbas appelle le groupe islamiste à conclure rapidement un accord de trêve
- Plus
Agence France-Presse
Inde : face aux manifestations d’agriculteurs, la police bloque l'accès à la capitale
Agence France-Presse
Cambodge : les jeunes priés d'éviter toute « activité inappropriée » à la Saint-Valentin
Agence France-Presse
La Corée du Nord a tiré de nouveau des missiles de croisière en direction de la mer du Japon
Agence France-Presse
Australie : des tempêtes font un mort et privent 285.000 foyers d’électricité
Le Figaro
Éphéméride du 15 février : en 1710 naît le futur roi de France Louis XV
The Associated Press
Dashcam video shows crash of Challenger 604 on Florida highway
The Associated Press
House Intelligence Committee chair warns of a serious national security threat
Reuters News Agency
US warned allies about Russian space, nuclear capabilities, source says
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The Associated Press
How did the Texas megachurch shooter buy a rifle despite her mental illness and criminal history?
The Associated Press
Cyberattacks on hospitals are likely to increase, putting lives at risk, experts warn
The Associated Press
Democrat Tom Suozzi wins New York race to succeed George Santos in Congress
The Associated Press
Jill Biden sends Valentine's Day love to Americans with an art display
The Associated Press
Microsoft says US rivals are beginning to use generative AI in offensive cyber operations
CISA Alert
Adobe Releases Security Updates
CISA Alert
Microsoft Releases Security Updates
BBC News
House votes to impeach Alejandro Mayorkas
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Global News
Rare virus Alaskapox claims life of an elderly Alaskan man
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The Associated Press
22 hit by gunfire near Kansas City Chiefs parade
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The Guardian
Climate experts sound alarm over thriving plant life at Greenland ice sheet
The Associated Press
Johnson says House won’t be ‘rushed’ to approve aid for Ukraine as $95B package stalls
RFI News
French cyber experts reveal vast network of Russian disinformation sites
Reuters News Agency
Netherlands joins coalition to supply Ukraine with advanced drones
The Associated Press
NATO chief hails record defence spending
Reuters News Agency
Trump adviser proposes new tiered system for NATO members who don't pay up
BBC News
Hungary resignations leave Viktor Orbán in biggest crisis yet
The Associated Press
Detecting Russian ‘carrots’ and ‘tea bags': Ukraine decodes enemy chatter to save lives
Reuters News Agency
Russian missile hits apartments in Kharkiv region
BBC News
War-weary Ukrainians endure as Russia's invasion drags on
The Associated Press
Ukrainian military says it sank a Russian landing ship in the Black Sea
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BBC News
Nigerian cost of living: People turn to 'throw-away' rice for food
BBC News
'Race against time' to free workers after landslide at gold mine
- Video
BBC News
Israel launches 'extensive' strikes on Lebanon
The Guardian
‘Military operations in Rafah could lead to slaughter in Gaza,’ says UN
Reuters News Agency
Netanyahu is pursuing war 'for his personal career', Palestinian FM says
The Associated Press
Displaced Palestinians leave one of Gaza’s main hospitals
The Associated Press
Palestinian man loses eight of his relatives in Israeli strike on Rafah
Reuters News Agency
Indian security forces fire tear gas at protesting farmers on drive to Delhi
The Associated Press
Election ballots and boxes carried across Indonesia by motorcycle, boat, horse and on foot
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The Associated Press
Defense Minister Subianto claims vivtory in Indonesia’s presidential race
BBC News
Valentine's Day: Cambodia youth told to avoid 'inappropriate' activities
The Associated Press
Catholics in the Philippines mark Ash Wednesday
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BBC News
North Korea hacked emails of South Korea president's aide
Agence France-Presse
Seoul police officers sentenced for deleting Halloween crush evidence
The Guardian
Nearly 135,000 Victorians still without electricity after storms as homes lost to bushfires
The Guardian
Amazon rainforest could reach ‘tipping point’ by 2050, scientists warn
Reuters News Agency
Trinidad and Tobago cleans up beaches following 12-kilometer oil spill
Reuters News Agency
South Korea establishes diplomatic ties with Cuba, North Korea's old friend
The Associated Press
Illegal border crossings from Mexico plunge after a record-high December
The New York Times
On This Day: February 16
- This Day in Aviation
Commentaires internationaux
Tom Nichols | The Atlantic
Trump’s Contempt for Military Service
Editorial | The Guardian
The new drone wars: As prices fall, casualties mount
Rafael Behr | The Guardian
Europe and the US are drifting further apart – and Britain will be left to flounder
David Smith | The Guardian
Biden inches away from Netanyahu as Israeli PM fails to heed US on Gaza
HA Hellyer | The Guardian
A message to Joe Biden: A Palestinian state must be based on these three pillars
Simon Jenkins | The Guardian
Yes, Donald Trump’s Putin comments were unhinged – but he’s right to question NATO’s future
Sidney Blumenthal | The Guardian
The US supreme court may turn this election into a constitutional crisis
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