Colonel D.S. Elder, MSC

Deputy Commandant Canadian Forces College

D.S. Elder

Colonel Shayne Elder was enrolled in the CAF January 2011 as an RCAF Officer. Since enrolment, he has served as the HQ RCAF Air Plans Section Chief and Commander RCAF Aerospace Warfare Centre.

Before joining the CAF he served in the Australian Army and retired after 26 years of service at the rank of Brigadier. He completed his service in Australia as the Commander 16th Aviation Brigade (Australian Army Aviation) with command of three combat regiments and more than 120 aircraft. He was also appointed the Operational Airworthiness Authority for the Army during his tenure as Commander.

Originally trained as an infantry platoon commander, he completed pilot training 1986 and has flown just over 4,000 hours on a variety of fixed and rotary wing aircraft. While the majority of his flying posts were as an operational pilot he also attained training qualifications as a Flying Instructor and Tactics Instructor on both aircraft types.

Colonel Elder has deployed on operations in Afghanistan, Iraq, Papua New Guinea, East Timor, and with the United Nations in Syria and Lebanon while a member of the Australian Defence Force. Colonel Elder was appointed Commander Air Task Force - Iraq October 2015 to April 2016. He has commanded at all levels up to brigade (troop, squadron, regiment) and served in staff posts in force development, training, operations and plans, including a tour with US Central Command in the J3 Plans Division 2004-07.

He is a graduate of the United States Marine Corps Staff College and the Canadian Forces College National Security Program and has achieved a Master of Business Technology, a Master of Military Studies, a Bachelor of Laws, and a Bachelor of Professional Studies.

Colonel Elder was appointed Deputy Commandant Canadian Forces College 10 July 2020.

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